Just In
for Fate Magnus Bellum

10/6/2015 c4 37Fan of Fanfics21
The Wheel of Fate is turning. Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock!
10/6/2015 c3 Fan of Fanfics21
Hahaha! Jeane and Leticia both feel their pride as females take a sense of defeat at cooking. Classic, and things are starting to heat up! Can't wait for the next chapter. Already excited.
10/5/2015 c4 10AkiraRaymundo
Well, this chapter was great. It's made me want to read again and curious about next chapter. Please continue to the next chapter!
9/28/2015 c4 Neighbor
That cliffhanger though. I did not expect to see Merlin make an appearance, but good on ya. The man has a severe lack of representation in the Fate series. Also thank you for giving me another great mental image: Achilles carrying two grown adults as he jumps from rooftop to rooftop. Legendary indeed. I wonder how that conversation went... "We need to catch up with Mordred!" "But the car is too slow!" "Ha! Easy! Dromeus Komētēs, away!"
9/26/2015 c4 Hell knight
Lord Altair , the recent chapters of F/MB were simply fantastic!
When Arthur learn about Lancelot, the former will have courage to kick his old friend' ass yet?
I read that the old man Darnic once fought Zouken in past, that mummy will have some mention in this story?
I'm must say that i'm surprised, i would have thought that Gil, Siegfried, and some of other servants would be excited to fight against the King of Knight as soon knew about his presence.
9/26/2015 c4 Hakuryuu
Nice chapter , Mordred vs saber ,next chapter this fic is great .
9/25/2015 c4 3coronadomontes
buen capitulo-good chapter
9/25/2015 c4 Code Zero
Altair-san, i liked very much of this new chapter.
And i must ask, how many days do you need to write the 5th chapter?
I review and i perceived one thing, the main characters in your story are : Jeanne, Arthur and Mordred, right?
This means that they'll have the most of interactions, right?
Do you'll put a drink of kings' scenario like of Fate Zero?
Arthur will explain to both factions about Manaka and her connection to Akasha? I expect not, because magi being magi they will want use her to reach the root.
9/25/2015 c4 2Hercules8
Oh man, what is going to happen with Mordred and Aruthur? I can't wait to see what will happen! :D

Also I love that part where Jeanne and Lancer were talking. I found it really powerful and moving.
9/25/2015 c4 kboomerjr
The more I read this the better and better it gets keep up the good work. So we have Merlin added to the mix this shall be fun. And now let the family reunion commence! Anyone else thinks that the rest of the red team (and a few others) are watching taking bets and eating popcorn or something like that? On a another note if your still playing FGO would you like to add each other to our friends list? Back on topic here still waiting for Proto Lancer to join the fray (or did his E rank luck get him killed off screen?)
9/24/2015 c3 10AkiraRaymundo
You know what? This is a story that i tried to found, where jeanne and proto-arthor working together. I kinda jealous that english isn't my first language so i can't make a great story like this.

Please continue this fic. I'm very happy that someone making a story with my favourite characters(and pairs of course)
9/22/2015 c3 Neighbor
Astolfo should be summoned under the legendary Singer class. His singing skills are just too strong. The huge mash up of Servants is really making this a fun read. Nice to see Siegfried throwing himself into the chaos, even if he didn't get to fight much this time around. Poor Gordes, seems like he can never get a sentence in before being interrupted. Also I like the subtle hints with Mordred's comment on how overpowered Achilles is. I love all the slice of life-esque interactions between characters when they're not fighting. It's something Apocrypha was really lacking in.

Solid work, can't wait to see Mordred's reaction to Saber's identity.
9/21/2015 c3 Amatsumi
Thank you for writing the OPness of Karna.
9/19/2015 c3 22King of Beasts
My, my. The fact that I was mentioned compelled me to continue, and I don't regret doing so.

So far, this is looking pretty good. I like that you've put twists into this retelling of the Apocrypha Grail War such as different Servants and additional Masters. The portrayal of your characters, especially Mordred, are spot on.

That's all I can say at this point, so I'm looking forward to seeing more!

- K.O.B
9/18/2015 c3 1Windninja1000
Great chapter! Can't wait till the next chapter! :D
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