Just In
for Fate Magnus Bellum

9/26/2019 c33 Kensei-1085
Seeing the battles with many servants is awesome. Funny moment was how Brynhild kept calling Richard Arthur, even though the man himself tried to correct her. Karna fighting Heracles is pretty cool. Atalanta going berserk? Let's see if she can calm herself down or someone else will. Arash, my god why did have to be altered? Damn you Manaka!

And Jeanne, I'm guessing Manaka did something to enhance Shakespeare Noble Phantasm?
9/26/2019 c33 6TheAzureKnight
Oh god yes! I'm so happy that you made a comeback. I honestly didn't think Fate Magnus Bellum was going to update anytime soon. Also, oh shit it's Shakespeare's First Folio. Why did I get the feeling that it's going to get even WORSE than what happened at Fate/Apocrypha?
9/25/2019 c33 Doortolight47
This is awesome, it's pretty great to see all the heroes from different lands get the chance to face each other, especially those that are pretty famous in their respective homelands. What I like about this story, is how you gave them the chance to interact with each other. I loved the part where Karna and Heracles gets to talk to each other despite how they are enemies, and it's great to see Heracles talking.

Gilgamesh coming along with Arthur and Medea to rescue Jeanne. I'm actually curious to see three most powerful Servants from the three factions fight each other. And it would be cool to see Gilgamesh fighting Karna, especially seeing as this Gilgamesh is willing to fight up close.
9/25/2019 c33 Nio
Atalanta using the Agrius Metamorphosis. Well at least here, she doesn’t do it out of despair of her failure in saving Jack the Ripper or developed hatred towards Jeanne.
9/25/2019 c33 Garrick
So glad to see this update. By the way have you seen the FGO Lostbelt from 1 to 4? There are some crazy things that happened in them, the biggest one for me was 4.
9/25/2019 c33 Dxhologram
I'm just glad to see this. And cool to see more of the battles.

I like the fight between Karna and Heracles, and how the former had to make use of his spear's Anti-Divine properties. And it's cool to see Heracles talk, I remember that the only time he had ever talked as a Berserker was in the Fate route of Fate Stay Night where he lost all of his lives and died. So it was pretty cool to see the two demigods, known to have been cursed yet managed to ascend, Heracles becoming a god and joining the Gods of Olympus, while Karna reunites with his father, Surya, have a conversation. Though based on what Heracles said about things getting worse, I'm assuming it has something to do with the Beast going to awaken and Manaka's plans for Jeanne.

Man, Manaka sure knows how to ruin everything, sucks to see a great hero like Arash to be reduced to a state like that.
9/25/2019 c1 213thRebels
Well that took a long time I’m happy now that you published this story. Now I just want more I want to read more of this kickass story I want to read Arthur rescue Jeanne and Mordred. And that Atlanta transformation so badass can’t wait to see her act as a Berserker. Also kinda sucks that Assassin is gone but I have a feeling that you’ll have Julian summon the one with the spear so another Lancer who knows? I kinda hope that you don’t kill William Shakespeare because I kinda want him to truly see the Great Holy Grail War to completion it’s why he was brought to war.
9/25/2019 c33 Rider126
Manaka you BITCH, how dare you sully Arash with that accursed and foul mud you walking CORPSE!?
9/14/2019 c33 binnietots
hey first time reading and i love it, i find arthur's backstory interesting considering he doesn't have much compared to artoria's. just a few clarifications and wanting to piece some puzzles together, regarding his background, in chapter 30th in morgan's chapter, i remember there was a war going on between them which led to his victory and around that time their son, Lucius was born, so does that imply that Guinevere was pregnant with Lucius when the war was ongoing?

Second, his death; his death was probably the catalyst for why his parents separated and the kingdom fell, and Guinevere was left in a convent to live normally then Morgan shows up to her with Lucius, does that mean that Morgan was responsible for what has happened? So she's the one who cursed their son and hid them from his parents? If so, what did Morgan do with him?
8/18/2019 c15 10sondowth
It be cool if Arturia or Arturia Lily showed up even as a cameo at some point.
8/17/2019 c33 123Guest
Awesome fic, hope it would update fast

Re:Guinevere-From what I remember she was described as something like a tsundere, and that both her and Lancelot became close by both wanting to better help their king

Fate/Zero material: (Guinevere)...she was cast into turmoil, torn between the 'tsun' of her conviction and the 'dere' of her soul, until finally both she and Lancelot were driven into a predicament from which there was no escape. Such was the fate of a tsundere who risked her life in troubled times. Geez, Camelot was hell, huh? Bahahaha!

Don't know how this helps
8/5/2019 c32 Shi
I just realize this. We have not seen Arthur do the Excaliblast aside from that one flashback. Been wondering how long will we get to see him do the chant where he goes “Seal Thirteen Decision Start!” Then Merlin says the names that represents the six seals, then Arthur goes “Excalibur!”.
8/3/2019 c22 3PrimedBlade141
Pretty solid chapter. The action sequences were pretty good and shows you put the effort. Love how some of the servants use creative means like using missle launchers. The interaction between characters, especially the servants is the best thing to c9me from this story. Plus Arthur X Jeanne is pretty cute.
7/21/2019 c33 213thRebels
Oh thank goodness this story is not done yet I mean I really want to read more of the servants battle and their interaction with one and another it is just so exciting.
7/19/2019 c31 15REX SLIDER
friend what happened with the update ? :(
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