Just In
for The Sixth Hokages Rival

1/31/2016 c8 LovelessDarkness
Yay! Sweet fluffy love! Thank you!
1/31/2016 c8 10Magyka13
Awww such a sweet moment
1/21/2016 c7 sanghyuk
They kissed! *tears of joy*
this chapter was so intense, wow. And Kakashi was the one who took the first step and kiss him, now i can't wait to see what's next!
1/20/2016 c7 Magyka13
Oh my glob! so much angst love and such I love it I almost jumped happy at every moment in the story so far(the happy ones of course)
1/19/2016 c7 7QuirkCirc
YES! I never expected this fic to be so good and awesome! Love everything about this fic from the beginning up till now. :D
Totally didn't see that kiss coming but it definitely brought out the old Obito xD
1/15/2016 c7 5Kris Senju
yeahhh finally they kissed i was waiting for this. wow obito.
1/15/2016 c7 ritag1998
YAY, You just made my day better, keep up the good work!
1/15/2016 c7 LovelessDarkness
You just melted my heart! Thank you for the updates. I'm sorry I took so long to read this! I love your work. I do not normally read this kind of coupling but you write so well that I had to fall in love with them both. I also adore how you portray Sakura and hope to see her more in their story!
1/15/2016 c7 6MagicMoonyx
12/24/2015 c6 5Kris Senju
please continues
12/24/2015 c6 Kris Senju
wow kakashi
12/24/2015 c5 Kris Senju
ah shit
12/24/2015 c4 Kris Senju
you can do it kakashi dont give up
12/24/2015 c3 Kris Senju
seriously that fucking immature obito
12/24/2015 c2 Kris Senju
kakashi dont give up
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