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for naruto kombat 9-x

6/26/2022 c3 51KingBeasta
Dude these chapters are way too short it has an interesting story but u really need to make longer ch
3/2/2016 c1 Guest
Not really good
12/22/2015 c3 2naruto kombat
Hey I just posted the poll on my profile I think it takes a few minutes to load
11/28/2015 c1 zidius
Great story I have been waiting for a mortal kombat and naruto crossover like this forever but can u make the chapters longer I would appreciate it
9/29/2015 c1 guest
naruto kombat here sorry haven't been able to upload story since my tablet is blocked and will only be able to pay tommorow most likely should have chapter 2 up in a few days and to the guy who said my story sucked you don't have to read it and I'm new at this . currently using cousins phone so ja ne
9/15/2015 c1 Guest
Due to the way this story is poorly written, it can suck my balls.
9/7/2015 c1 Guest
Like the way this story is going cant wait till you update
9/4/2015 c1 ghoul13x
It's interesting but why are the chapter the same
9/4/2015 c2 naruto kombat
Sorry for same chapter posted twice i dont really know how to post New chapters hope one of you can tell me
9/4/2015 c1 daniel 29
word for word the 2 chapter are the same

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