Just In
for Alessandra of Troy

5/13/2016 c6
Very well written there a few spelling mistakes here and there but that can easily be overlooked.
Very good story, please continue uploading.
5/13/2016 c3
Another great chapter.
Keep up the good work.
5/13/2016 c2
I love Alessandra's attitude towards Paris and Helen.
She was taugh but I was always a fan of tough love so I like it.
And I love the realethionship her and Hector have.
In other words, very, very good chapter.
4/14/2016 c6 4OnyxTears
Fantastic story. If you ever want someone to beta read your translations I'd be more than willing. You have my respect for what you must have to do to post these chapters! Keep it up! You're doing an amazing job.
3/12/2016 c6 Guest
PLEASE CONTINUE! I love this story!
2/13/2016 c2 Guest
A piece of advice from me: learn grammar, spelling and the meaning of most words before you start writing.
1/18/2016 c6 MonaTHeGreat
Exciting, I love how you incorporate her into the story, wonderful. I will continue reading when it's updated.
1/18/2016 c2 MonaTheGreat
I love this, in the movie all the blame was put on Paris, that little prick. BUT HELEN deserves it too!
1/16/2016 c6 Guest
Please re-read your work. You have some sentences that are missing words and, as a result, don't really make perfect sense. Other than that I really like your story. You are really good at giving layers to your characters!
1/1/2016 c6 1twibe
Oh please more, I love it!
12/28/2015 c6 lazy-freaky-kool
Omg yyyeeessssss! Plz update soon
12/18/2015 c6 Guest
Please update again soon! Can't wait to read more Alessandra and Achilles action
12/13/2015 c6 1APeaceOfPie4Everybody011
I always hate that scene it like if he would have died then maybe troy would have not fallen.
12/13/2015 c6 NicoleR85
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read the next one. Please update soon.
12/13/2015 c6 Arianna Le Fay
wow fantastic i could feel the emotions their feelings of determination and more :D this chapter was totally worth the waiting ;)
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