Just In
for Star Wars: Knights of the New Empire

9/6/2015 c2 1Varangian Guard
Again, another good, albeit confusing, chapter. I'm guessing Leon will be the main character during this story. I see this going two ways in the future, a KotOR like storyline, where Revan is brainwashed into fighting for the Republic (or in this case the triumvirate) or a story where he is actually dead and Leon carries the torch. I am pretty sure Leon is a force sensitive, with the description of how he knows what his allies will do. Can't wait to see more
9/2/2015 c1 Varangian Guard
This came out a lot faster than I expected, man. I thought it would at least take two-three months to get this drafted out and written. Good job, Caedus.
9/2/2015 c1 Mr. Exterminatus
Great beginning to a new story.
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