Just In
for Crystallize

12/11 c1 2Boothandbabes
Lol starting this over because Kari getting her ass beat with my only motivation to work out. But no honestly this was my motivation at the gym and i need it back
11/14 c121 Boothandbabes
So, over the past month I’ve spent all my free time reading this story. For me Riley only died two weeks ago and I was sobbing so hard. I absolutely adore this story and I hope that I can learn to be half the writer you are. I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do in my free time now. How did I read this much lol
11/14 c116 Guest
Okay but I want to talk about how accurate you were with Nat being willing to do anything to save Clint before Endgame was even a complete thought
11/13 c112 Guest
I will SOB
11/13 c109 Guest
I really feel like I’m going to be so creeped out by the time all of this is over
11/13 c104 Boothandbabes
Crying so hard I might throw up fuck now I gotta watch agents of shield
11/12 c100 Guest
Not 2020
11/12 c98 Guest
Wait wait wait fuck fuck fuck
11/12 c96 Boothandbabes
Um okay so currently losing my mind I never actually log in and I always just read as a guest but I had to make sure to follow and favorite. I had my suspicions when Laura and Clint separated but I wasn’t sure. I’m currently writing a Nat fic with Clint’s little sister (not posted and God, please don’t judge it by the few fics I have lol) I definitely got in the mindset of Clint as such a sweet older brother and ngl that mindset had me lowkey grossed out but it’s so perfect and I still absolutely adore them together. Can’t wait to read more. And I hope when Nat finds out its detailed
11/8 c74 Guest
In the best way possible I WILL throw up
7/6 c121 2Thea.Reh
I don't normally write reviews for stories but I have been a lurker for a very long time. As someone who considers herself a book dragon, and has a very large horde (ie: books, so many books) this is by far one of my favorites and would hold an honored spot on the top of said horde.

I have a hard time finding stories that fit my criteria:
1. More than 100,000 words
2. Well written
3. No giant plot holes
4. OC
5. Keeps to a similar plotline but isn't necessarily following it exactly
6. OC fits well in the plotline

You have nailed every single one of these points incredibly well. You are an extremely gifted writer. Thank you for providing me with a great story with wonderful characters and thrilling plots. You have kept my attention all the way through almost 1 million words. That alone is a fantastic achievement. Dont let the world take your spark, you are great!
-Thea. reh
6/15 c121 Arctic Wolf Fury
Damn good story
5/13 c121 kor.op
5/6 c121 thefirefliesdance
as always, I enjoyed reading this update! I'm so happy you're doing some better and feeling like writing. i love X-men, too. especially the 90s cartoon. it's my favorite! looking forward to the next chapter!
5/6 c121 9Lexipexie08
Oh my gosh, you have no idea how close I was to crying tears of joy when I saw you updated. It is literally the only reason I got out of bed to go to work knowing what was waiting for me at work. I love this story so freaking much! Cannot wait to see how you’re going to put your spin on the Winter Soldier.

Glad you’re doing better. Life is rough just remember it’s a bad day not a bad life. Looking forward to keep reading your work
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