Just In
for Pure Insanity

6/25/2021 c3 Guest
6/17/2021 c5 Jamie-lea McDonald
Please update please please ️️
2/11/2021 c5 Guest
5 years!
11/2/2019 c1 Guest
Her parent is so her alone like that..poor kid.
6/15/2019 c5 2acetwolf94
6/10/2018 c5 4Monster King
Great story I really liked it a shame that you gave on it.
2/3/2018 c5 Wika0304
please update
9/2/2017 c4 2Cholo Palai
The story is brilliant,,the plot is brilliant,,everything is brilliant than why on earth did you abandoned this for years?
I don't understand,,why all the good femharry stories I found so far are all seem to ababdoned,,why is that?
If you can't complete your or spend some times for it than you shouldn't start a story to began with.
It annoy me to no end to see a good story abandoned.
Will you ever going to continue this story?
I hope you do...I really do hope.
7/8/2017 c5 Prabhleen Arora
Amazing Story...
Loved it...
Please Continue Soon...
11/22/2016 c5 3Phoenix373
I hope you continue to write this story
10/17/2016 c5 2Alara Phoenix
Interesting, very interesting. I'm keen to see where this will go, though I am slightly disappointed that Lessa seems to scorn those not important to her. This is merely because of my own interpretation of how I think Seers should be however, so disregard it if you so choose.

Your writing is very pleasant to read, I look forward to more!
5/8/2016 c2 2KoreanMusicFan
? tom is on speaking terms with dumbledore?
3/23/2016 c5 156Watermelonsmellinfellon
People claim that this is plagiarized, because of another fic with a similar summary. The story is called Inside My Mind by sistersgrimmlover. The summary: 'It started with a wand. A wand with a brother. And this brother wand, a girl shall wield. And with this girl came War. And with War, came her lover, Plague. Plague lead to his brother Death. And it all ended in Victory.'

That is one of the best fem-Harry stories I know and is also a Harry/TMR/LV fic. The sequel has been up for ages and while your beginning is only a bit similar, it'll take tens of thousands of words to even tell if you are copying. They should have waited before opening their mouths.
3/21/2016 c5 Gal
Please continue this story!
2/15/2016 c5 Gothazon
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