Just In
for The Definition of Normal

12/19/2022 c74 1Jimbocous
Thanks for a great (re)read! Very nicely done.
11/14/2022 c1 tazdad47
I really like the story, but when I read the name of the solicitors' firm, I almost did a "spit take". It brought back the memory of a Three Stooges skit from late 40s, early 50s. The Stooges had a phony law firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe. Just a little light thought. Thank you for entertaining reading. tazdad47
11/5/2022 c59 BlazeStryker
"A Yank" name of Bobby Fischer...
11/3/2022 c38 BlazeStryker
Since the Ministry Building's in the middle of London, it's safe to say that magic, as a rule, does NOT disrupt technology. So why is Hogwarts reputed to?

I have an answer, in the form of a question: How many lightning rods does Hogwarts Castle have?

I suspect they set wards when the Founders built the place. Being decidedly pre-industrial, it's safe to say those wards disrupt electrical flow outside of regular, healthy living functions.
11/3/2022 c26 BlazeStryker
Let me summarize what this kind of "school head" deserves... If you remember ER, you know what a Foley is. If you don't, it's basically intubating the urethra. Think of that with a rock salt-coated tube and the tube delivering bullet ants to the bladder!
10/25/2022 c30 Wolverine442
Way to smash any self confidence that Harry may have been building up with adults Remus. More controlling manipulative behavior and it’s not even DUMBLEDORE!
10/25/2022 c30 Wolverine442
Remus is completely out of line with Harry. He’s never had anyone to trust his entire life and now that he’s had a few weeks with competent adults, all of his prior lifetime experience is supposed to mean nothing? THAT.
8/28/2022 c45 N. A. Wennerholm
Because of getting really sick and then having surgery I no longer have the control I once had over my bladder and thus even though I wear a pad I have had accidents where I lost more than the pads could hold thus I have had to change because of it. Thus needing to have plenty of pairs of extra panties in fact their have been times where I have 3vwn needed to wear incontinence briefs. But I mostly wear those when away from home because if not having Access to a bathroom or really long wait for the use of one to the point I just couldn't hold it any more so thus had to change out of one pair of briefs to another pair. not much different to more on my period and having a sudden flood of blood that was more than my pads could hold and thus having to carry not just extra pads but extra panties and pants when wearing pants or when wearing a skirt carrying another slip and skirt and pantyhose or tights. As for For Albus as shown with the spells fine to at least three of the staff Albus has show he 2snts absolute control and that he condones Abuse and that he doesn't believe in independence and free will he want absolute obedience and everyone to do and see thing his way. And thus the fact that he is a very corrupt and delusional man full of huberous. And he keeps taking about the Greater Good but doesn't define what he means by it. And to put things quite frankly he is a chronic liar and thief.
8/21/2022 c63 Veronica McClure
Everyone always remarks on Harry's commendable manners, but I wonder if any writer has ever thought to have those characters be reminded by Harry or someone else that if they were punished for good manners, etc, that were remarked on by strangers, then they would want to be unnoticeable in crowds too.
8/21/2022 c53 Veronica McClure
I sometimes wonder if Dumbledore should have been given guarded and guided Community service in a nonmagical facility that helps abused kids (or adults getting getting therapy for their past) through the trauma they suffered? You know, to educate him what exactly kids suffer, even if the abuse is emotional?
7/31/2022 c42 Little Bug 1024
HHhH fcc4ccdx essentialhu is r
7/28/2022 c75 Quaziemoto
Great book, would like to see as a Movie. It is better thane some of the other Harry Potter Movies and Books. Thanks for keeping this 76 year old happy with following Harry Potter Fan Fiction,
some of it was getting receptive and SOS.
7/26/2022 c44 SvenTheDecoy
did they ever test madame pomfrey for charms? i knkw you mentioned them planning on it, but i don't remember it actually happening
7/17/2022 c10 SoSoLazy
So warm
7/17/2022 c8 SoSoLazy
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