Just In
for The Definition of Normal

9/8/2015 c3 adenoide
Dumby keep Harry ignorant about his heir's duty. I hope Sirius won't follow Dumby who didn't do nothing about to get him a trial. I will like to know who will the pairing for Harry. About the Weasley they are poor but the throw out the money they win for a trip when they need money for their children in school. For me what they did was stupid.
9/9/2015 c3 13Tsukiyomi Sora
kyaaaaa me gusta, por favor continua, por favor
9/9/2015 c3 3elvander72
Interesting start.
Is Harry going to remain pliant and do Divination or is he going to wake up to himself after the Will Reading and take Runes or Arithmancy or both instead?
Looking forward to finding out.
9/8/2015 c3 anarion87
nice so far
9/8/2015 c3 carick of hunter moon
Now this is a good story start, that play with some clasic and intresting ideas and old plot hooks the test of this will be to develop this in your own direction add to the idea used and how you use them.
Now the story it flow well and your chapters are a good size tis is good becuse this help to hold the reader interest.
The Potter Will is key to how this story will unfold the cause & effect of this and what it say will shape your story I look forward to see your take on this
Remember Peter when the will was written was trusted friend so the wording of the will should show.
All in all a very nice story start.

To help look at the profiles of gphoenix51, ARedHair & Kalen Darkmoon and I think some of my profile might be of help to you as well.

So keep writing this story and thanks you for your hard-work.

Story rec Back Again? Siriusly? by Manchester
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