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for The Definition of Normal

6/5/2024 c24 Guest
Perhaps Harry could order Dobby to call Remus Mr. Lupin instead of the risky Wolfie. Remus has already had to lie about Animagus training to cover this blunder. Also lied about not knowing where Sirius is. Good story.
6/5/2024 c20 Guest
"Harry! Hermione!" yelled Ron. Harry and Hermione went to the door and Snuffles sidled over to check out the group that had just invaded. It's a wonder Scabbers didn't sneak away. If Sirius could recognize a photo of Scabbers/Wormtail, Pettigrew would definitely recognize Snuffles. Excellent story, quite entertaining. Thanks
6/3/2024 c75 Rose
Thank you for a fun and interesting take on Wizarding World. I have enjoyed it
-Rose of the Midwest
6/3/2024 c74 Rose
Since Draco and Marissa are given chances to fit on to the new (death eater free) Wizarding Britain, I am glad to see them trying to be better people.
6/3/2024 c73 Rose
I like the new classes. Amusing that Bill was happy to accept room and board at Hogwarts, to avoid living back with the parents.
5/30/2024 c60 Rose
Yay, Harry didn't lose his parseltongue abilities when the horcrux was removed!
5/30/2024 c30 J
Snape didn't deserve ANY of it? While he didn't deserve to be picked on just for existing, he was a bully himself who picked on muggleborns, and a wannabe wizard-nazi terrorist. So he kinda DID deserve a lot of it.
5/30/2024 c58 Rose
I think your idea for gifts for the Potter elves is a good one. I think they would appreciate it.
5/30/2024 c57 Rose
That was a really interesting family meeting. It's fun to see different writers' ideas about the Wizarding world.
5/29/2024 c56 Rose
I liked dealing with the letters in the last chapter. This interviewing of Ffawkes was a new idea to me. Thank you
5/29/2024 c54 Rose
I bet you had fun writing about the blankets and furniture. I had fun reading about it. I'd love to have a couple of those desk chair/comfy chair/guest bed combos!
5/28/2024 c52 Rose
Yay. So many people, even in canon, forget poor Hagrid.
5/30/2024 c75 Sensorybuzz
Wonderful story. I really enjoyed reading it.
5/28/2024 c50 Rose
Really interesting chapter.
5/28/2024 c49 Rose
I like the idea of Sirius on the school board. Certainly an improvement over L Malfoy. (I admit that's a low bar, though.)
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