Just In
for The Portal Conundrum

11/22/2021 c18 611Ghostwriter
Oh good. Captain Cooper found his Penny. What a fun adventure this was. Well done.
2/16/2020 c18 8WENN9366 should write a sequel about how Captain Cooper convinces Penny the tavern wench that she need to come with him and fall in love ;)
10/28/2015 c18 13ncisloverinnc
Ack, this story was amazing! Loved everything about it except that it had to end, but the ending was pretty awesome itself.
10/24/2015 c18 kimjo2
What a faboo story. Loved the characterization and imaginative premise. Thanks so much
10/3/2015 c18 billbrewer
Very well written. I know Ris, she's got me writing and one day I'll get off my butt and post. Would love to see a sequel with pirate Sheldon. Again, great story. Bill
9/27/2015 c18 1Mischief101
Great story. I don't know why you were worried, this is an excellent story.
Oh and don't forget to remove your an's
9/26/2015 c18 Anthrax0
Great entry for TLaPD. I always liked the parallel dimensions usefulness in showing hidden sides of familiar characters. Especially to other characters.
(As requested - it's a reminder to delete ANs)
9/24/2015 c18 1Shakespeare's Girl59
Aww..what's great ending! I was so worried Captain Sheldon would remain heartbroken.. Awesome story, really enjoyed it! :)
9/19/2015 c18 Guest
Such a perfect ending
9/21/2015 c18 131Risknight
YES! Thank you! I'm so dang happy!
9/20/2015 c18 kurtainkid
Love it! The fluffy fun stories are my favorites.
9/20/2015 c18 loomerg
Aaarrrrrr matey.
9/19/2015 c18 nertooold54
:-) A wonderful story that I will read again start to finish in honor of ITLAPD.
9/19/2015 c18 Shenny Fan
Interesting what you can find when almost giving up hope. :)
9/19/2015 c18 42Alisha Mendelsohn
Oh my god! I love this so much, Captain Cooper searched everywhere for his Penny and found her when he wasn't looking! *happy sighs*
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