Just In
for The Comet Wish

9/1/2016 c35 5SilverNeira
I'm very curious on what will happen between Luffy and that mermaid princess (I forgot her name) now that he likes Rose. Will it be like with Hancock or different?

Anyway, keep up with the great work!
9/1/2016 c35 6Miss Meep
Rose doesn't seem to be having a nice day xD
8/31/2016 c35 5Gamelover41592
that was a really great chapter well worth the wait :)
8/29/2016 c34 Guest
Please more chapters
8/26/2016 c34 lovinurbuks
I'm sooooo in love with your book, its hard to find a nice SI Luffy/oc book without making it to stupid or its just not written well, honestly I was about to put off the first chapter, but I'm glad I didn't cause I love it!

Stay awesome, Lovinurbuks
8/17/2016 c34 5SilverNeira

Do they get to keep the kraken?


I had to ask...
8/15/2016 c34 1SilverDragonsTale
Woo! What a great update! I can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon and keep up the great work!
8/15/2016 c34 21707cloud
alright! nice work mate, i was getting a little worried when you didnt update in so long.

glad your back!
8/15/2016 c34 7PuddyKatz
Glad your back and not dead. :)
8/15/2016 c34 6Miss Meep
XD I always loved this part. And thanks for the anime suggestion! LOL
8/15/2016 c34 Shadowmoonx13 about wind clone? Or using the clouds as defense or mist to trick the enemy ? Or may be something like mixing wind with some other material to create stardust! Mix her profession with her power! I hope it helps. Keep up the great work _
8/15/2016 c34 2Sarah Todoroki
I am so happy that you posted early! :) I am really happy that you are back on track with the story and removed it from its hiatus 3 I am soo happy with this chapter :) I like the connection between Rose and Luffy and I also like the connection that's going to happen with Sabo (of course in a brotherly way). Honestly can't wait for the Dressrosa Act ! Until then author-chan ~ 3
8/15/2016 c34 5Gamelover41592
Awesome work wonder how Rose will react when she hears Aokiji is in charge also welcome back :)
8/15/2016 c34 4goddessofwar1872
Think I might have woke up my neighbours when I found out u updated lol, loves this chapter pls update again soon (ー)
8/12/2016 c33 Guest
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