Just In
for The Comet Wish

3/18/2017 c1 Blu.ee13
Wait.. so rose is a fan of one piece but she couldn't identify a devil fruit at first glance?
3/1/2017 c40 Guest
Please keep going
2/14/2017 c44 4DarkAzura09
already read it! I loved it! Cheers! _
2/14/2017 c43 Scarlet3Wolf12
Please do announce the new version
2/14/2017 c43 5SilverNeira
Yes please!
2/13/2017 c43 4DarkAzura09
yeah, you better announce it here at some point _ the guests won't know otherwise
2/12/2017 c43 2AkashiSeijuro105
Hello, I'm a fan of your story and I want to know if you will replace the chapters or create a new story? I absolutely love this story, so keep up the good work!
2/12/2017 c43 1RoseRavenWillow RandomFangirl
I'd be willing. I always got 'good grammar' marks on all my writing assignments. Plus I'm a little OCD about that kind of stuff.
2/12/2017 c43 DreamsOfTheDamn
Please announce the revised form when it is ready
2/12/2017 c43 21707cloud
I would like for it to be announced mate.
2/12/2017 c43 suntan140
Yes please let us know if the new story is up
2/12/2017 c42 6yaoi-freak2580
For playing it by ear this story turned out amazing :) I look forward to reading the rewritten version
2/10/2017 c42 Guest
Just be sure to let us know when the chapters have been updated, can't wait to see how you improve them!
2/9/2017 c42 1PurpleKetloom


*sniff* It's okay. I understand. You want nothing but the best for us :')
2/6/2017 c42 Laludofan
Please finish this story before starting over ! I reaaaally like it and promise I will still read the revised version even if I see the end to this one !
I don't care if you make up something like "everyone loses their memories and begin a new adventure" or whatever, I just want to know what happens to the Rose I have come to know, the one who has lived all those adventures with everyone... Pleaaaase _
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