Just In
for A Twisted Strawhat

2/16/2024 c19 Guest
I only came here for robin and Luffy and did not get anything. Instead got Nami and luffy which is kind of incest really. They’re like brother and sister
9/5/2022 c19 Crazy8TheAce
So, I found this story by complete mistake... and I don't regret it. The back story is great and the fights are gruesome enough to show proper emotion and violence without over doing. The dialogue is fantastic and believable considering the circumstances of the story.
This is a well thought out and well written story. I would love for it to be continued, but I wouldn't expect it. Life happens and we keep moving forward.
Keep writing!
5/6/2022 c2 3Pinkypi
Black steel toe boots in a world where people are known to easily bend such a thin flimsy sheet of metal is actually a great way to get your toes amputated the first time something hits the top of the toe of the boots and slams it down into them. Sorry. I'm just kind of tired of everyone writing "steel toe boots" in as a bad ass McGee staple for badassitude. What happened to just regular shoes or boots? Sorry just ignore this I'm probably just being frustrated and tired.

P.S.- That shit was painful and I got lucky as hell what dropped on my foot wasn't heavier and only cut the surface layer of skin when it bent in.
3/26/2022 c17 N
I know it’s been years, but please update this!
8/22/2021 c13 exilir
Me literally at chap 13... "oh so that's why it's only 19 chap, coz he died... damn that's a good story"
7/8/2021 c16 4HollowSea
Drak dark dark DAAAAAAAARRRRRK omg hahahaha i mean i totally agree with how the original anime totally lack gore hahaha but this is whooooop, makes me feel bad for the bad guys legit XD
7/8/2021 c15 HollowSea
Why didn't he train the others too though and focused on usopp?
7/8/2021 c13 HollowSea
Holy shit everything so OP hahahaha. But the fact he lost balances it out. That was epic i wish i could watch the scene or even just see the sword that luffy has
3/26/2021 c17 Guest
This was probably one of my, if not my favourite one piece fan fictions until the LuNa lemon, idk why I have such a deep hatred for it when in all honesty I just think it wouldn’t work, one of the main reasons is if puffy would be king he would need a queen, and since the king and queen rules, wouldn’t the queen need conquerors haki as well. Not suggesting Hancock by any means just to make that clear and it’s done wayyyyy to to much
2/7/2021 c19 Guest
You know, apart from the occasional mistake when you use ‘our’ instead of ‘are’ it’s a really good story... unfortunately you stopped writing it but oh well I’ll leave the tab open to check from time to time
11/19/2020 c1 pog
8/10/2020 c17 acyshadow12
Man i love this but
I don't really like Nami X Luffy tho :_((
8/10/2020 c1 AutumnXIIIRain
Before I start reading, I hope luffy will wear a badass pirate captain coat as a coat like wb and prime Roger
6/13/2020 c7 Nami4Life
150 million Beri for a sword ,monkey d luffy just paid 150 million for a sword ,hahaha
6/13/2020 c4 Nami4Life
Liked the changes you made and cutting all the crap out ,the one thing I did not like was introducing Nami as she was about to be raped ,I fucking despise that shit ,definitely don’t want to read it in one piece fanfics ,so ye fuck you for that .
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