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for Doesn't it make your Heartbeat Flutter?

9/13/2015 c1 LoamyCoffee
goodness, She's starting to fall for him quite nicely!
9/13/2015 c1 madafakiu
Interesante trama primera que veo, la seguire para ver que tal sigue, esperare el proximo capitulo con ansias
9/13/2015 c1 Someformofswag
I like this there aren't enough stories where Soma is introduced in a new way. He normally gets the run of the mill Erina rejected him and he gets in still.. There is so much potential there and you have utilised it. I love you. Netflix and chill?
9/13/2015 c1 3WayFarer2000
I look forward to this.
9/13/2015 c1 35Nasha Rei-Kun
Well, than. Oh shiet, it seems that we have Soma being introduce in a different way compared to the canon. Damn this is going to be a good fic/string of fics, if I know you, and I do.

Prepare for the awesome
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