Just In
for Blonding

1/23 c22 Lolo
This so goodd! The pacing is immaculate and really good like it was made by a professional. If someone told me this was it's own movie, I'd believe itt! Made my whole week love youu! Keep it upp
1/2 c13 suesirg
That hospital scene must be the most stupid thing I've ever read. There's a reason why there's a visitor limit to patients, much less OPERATIONS. I've never heard of an ongoing operation happening while four people discuss shit on the side (and let's not forget the crowd of nurses Jesus fuck). How are the operators gonna concentrate in that state? And what actual mischaracterization did you do to Sakura and Tsunade? Ik you're sticking to the whole muscle angry woman trope they're in. But NO DOCTOR IS JUST GONNA BREAK DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF AN OPERATION NO MATTER THEIR PERSONALITY. THAT'S WHAT THE TRAINING IS FOR. Thats not how a woman who's performed literal surgeries ON THE FIELD, inventing new ways to save an impossible operation, is gonna act doing an equally risky hopeless situation, within a /controlled environment/. And that's ONLY the biggest blinder. No licenced doctor is gonna yell EVERYTHING and punch equipments. Much less KICK A DOOR DOWN DURING AN OPERATION.

I could go on and on honestly bc I had such high hopes while reading the start - whilst very slow in pacing, I thought looked promising. But I realize now that perhaps writing action is your strongest suit. Dialogue and pacing is sometimes abhorrent - ik you like doing the "not revealing what they're talking about till the end" thing but that left actually reading it UNREADABLE. Because using that technique usually means you drop little nuggets along the way so that the reader follows the same way the character is realizing. And you also leave the payoff flat bc I literally still have no idea what they're talking about until they actually say it, and instead of the satisfaction, I only felt exasperated. Because it felt like I was just reading gibberish before the subject is finally revealed. Like that thing about Naruto forgetting Himas birthday? Where did that come from? There was no build up AT ALL, so there's no satisfactory payoff! Boruto never mentioned it, we never even had a whisper that a birthday happened or how Himawari was affected - so we can feel the same way, empathize and also understand Boruto's feelings - Boruto just, tells us! Like the things dropped out of thin air. He could've literally just pulled that out of his ass.

I'm not kidding, I have more to let out, but what would be the point, it's a reoccurring problem. It's honestly been a while that I've read a fanfic where the writing is decent but the foundations of building a story are severely lacking. It's a conundrum.
8/30/2024 c9 Guest
What a shitty fic.
8/21/2024 c15 Kage-kitsune9001
Interesting that he's now older than his mentor and parents. Time traveling is a fun trope.
5/17/2024 c22 Guest
That was. Well. Beautiful
5/10/2024 c3 DirectRandom
So uh hear me out right Madara takes the 10 tails no problem at all unlike Obito yet Naruto (who has had the strongest tailed beast for over 30 years) can’t handle the 10 tails power (legit that’s all it is gang) makes sense to me ️
5/10/2024 c2 SorryNotReally
My kid talk to me like that he getting smacked, idgaf sorry sorry it’s just that Sasuke has never met his daughter at this time and Boruto thinks he’s so cool yet shit talks his dad for dumb reasons
3/11/2024 c1 johnzeckleston
This story moves too slow, I was waiting for Naruto and Boruto to pop up and got like 5k words of Minato slice of life filler… it should be expected with the Family tag to be fair.

Then in the 2nd chapter it’s full of Boruto PoV filler flashback to his past. Totally unnecessary and breaks the story flow before it’s even started.

I’ve never seen/read Boruto, only clips but his hate for his Father is weird. Unless Naruto actually treats Boruto like that despite his own childhood.

From reading other reviews they’re saying Naruto is struggling to comprehend he has travelled back in time which seems very silly.
1/21/2024 c6 Ophis-The-Infinite-Dragon-God
I'm out too, this is far too disjointed. Everyone seems to have misplaced their brain too just to force a drama filled plot.
1/21/2024 c4 Ophis-The-Infinite-Dragon-God
Another filler flashback chapter. -.-''
1/21/2024 c3 Ophis-The-Infinite-Dragon-God
So you expect us to believe that Naruto thinks that Konoha has been taken over by someone impersonating his dead for 30-40 years father successfully and has not noticed that Konoha has gone from looking modern with a tonne of vehicles, fast food joints, instant communication and even a train station complete with giant train to a run down feudal era Konoha which was already half destroyed the day he was born and didn't notice the difference? Heck, it was destroyed several times between his birth and Boruto start.
7/22/2023 c22 Guest
7/9/2023 c15 3Crevanille
Oh, good!

They had the sense to run a paternity test!
7/9/2023 c14 Crevanille
... Couldn't they d9ne a paternity test?
They should have the tech for it even back then, right?
7/8/2023 c10 Crevanille
...I don't understand why ppl kerp calling Konoha a military dictatirship.

while it's true that Konoha, and most Hidden Villages, are military governments... the office if Kage is an elected one and, at least in Konoha's case, most blatantly, do NOT have complete and absolute authority.

Oto, and Kiri would be examples of a dictatorship... but not most villages by virtue of their governing councils actually having a say in hiw a village is run on top of picking their leader.

Most accurately, Hidden Villages stratocraxies not unlike the governments of when Shoguns riled Japan... but smalker and more streamlined.

Konoha is NOT a dictatorship.

Authoritarian sure, but it's not an autocracy.
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