11/17/2015 c1 11Amaterasu Avaron Rhapsodos
I LOVE THIS! IT IS SO CUTE! "I feel like I suddenly just gained two parents..." You just keep thinking that Cloud, wait till you meet them, you'll love it *insert evil laugh here*
I LOVE THIS! IT IS SO CUTE! "I feel like I suddenly just gained two parents..." You just keep thinking that Cloud, wait till you meet them, you'll love it *insert evil laugh here*
9/30/2015 c1 7CryptCreeperX
LOL, the concept of this is really clever and adorable. :3 It's something I imagine going down if Aerith and Zack actually survived and were married. I can totally see Zack just coming by the church to check on his wife and she'd immediately go: "I want kids." And Zack's response would be exactly that. XD
Also, what's this about Cloud having 'one of his partners'... Daaayum, Cloud, I didn't know you swung that way! And with partnerS? With a plural? OwO
(My apologies, my cray-cray yaoi senses are tingling here...)
LOL, the concept of this is really clever and adorable. :3 It's something I imagine going down if Aerith and Zack actually survived and were married. I can totally see Zack just coming by the church to check on his wife and she'd immediately go: "I want kids." And Zack's response would be exactly that. XD
Also, what's this about Cloud having 'one of his partners'... Daaayum, Cloud, I didn't know you swung that way! And with partnerS? With a plural? OwO
(My apologies, my cray-cray yaoi senses are tingling here...)