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for 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Staircase Implementation

5/12/2023 c1 apobhp
what? that it?
5/14/2022 c1 6TLWtlw
Were Howard and Raj killed as well?
1/19/2022 c1 Guest
Wow, what a beginning to the "great Shenny Romance", he Googled a plumber for her. In case I'm not clear, this is sarcasm.
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
So all he's doing is Googling a plumber for her. No offering a shower, part of his lunch, getting her TV for her.
12/6/2021 c1 SarahTaylorTam
This is great and actually likely if he wasn't there.
10/25/2021 c1 611Ghostwriter
Oooh intriguing. I like this. Well done.
4/10/2021 c1 38Marjorie Nescio
11/28/2020 c1 Ariadne Venegas
Yep Leonard wouldn’t be as cool as Sheldon with a bomb!

And Leonard what was he doing making a bomb in a dept? That show him his character right away!
12/20/2019 c1 apobhp
good one
2/27/2019 c1 Ultor
Ahhhh... Cute all I’m going to say.
2/15/2019 c1 7Lee kadivar
Okay... Id love to see where this story could go. I mean... No Howard, Lenard, or Raj... Very interesting.
10/6/2018 c1 Ghidorah15
It's a crying shame this is just a oneshot. I'd love to read a retelling of the show where Leonard is dead and Amy never appears, leaving fewer if any obstacles to Sheldon and Penny being together.
5/16/2017 c1 Dsnynutz
Don't know how I missed this one. What a great fix for Staircase. Sheldon not being around to save Leonard due to lack of Yoohoo in the apartment was great. Plus that Vintage Sheldon/Penny scene was everything and a bag of cookies.
3/21/2017 c1 absolutelyfabulouslyobsessed
So. Much. Potential. Too bad Leonard's dead. But I'm liking this!
11/5/2015 c1 35kimbee73
I thought of this scenario too. Great take on the prompt.
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