Just In
for The Other Side of the Same Coin

11/2/2015 c4 GawkyTC
I looooooooove thiiiiiiiiis
11/2/2015 c4 8lucefatale
Can't wait for next update!
10/31/2015 c3 Guest
This is amazing!
10/27/2015 c3 GawkyTC
I love this so much xD lol
10/27/2015 c3 Guest
Well this is definately interesting.. Can't wait to read more.
10/26/2015 c3 Savage2015
Plz keep going
10/26/2015 c2 TheMorbidGal
please keep this going?
10/23/2015 c2 Elextra
I really like it so far, it's something different then the other stories on here which is good.
10/23/2015 c2 GawkyTC
loving this! please do continue!
10/18/2015 c2 1Mrs. VampDiva Belikov
I love Ash's personality. Awesome story so far!
10/18/2015 c2 Guest
I just found this story today and I just have to say a few things:Oh my goodness! That was hilarious! I just love Ash and her inner-voice, Pe-wee. Keep up with the refreshingly hilarious
story )
10/18/2015 c2 Psycho-Jellybean
This is a breath of fresh air in the twilight fan fiction.
I love it.
10/17/2015 c2 silentmayhem
I just found this today and I hope you keep going ...I have a learning disability I was hoping you give me a summary on ash I don't understand the other voice part...
10/16/2015 c2 Goldielover
Yes, keep going please. Just found this tonight, and enjoyed what has been written so far. Carlisle is always my favourite vampire.
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