Just In
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5/9/2023 c1 13TheLovelyClaireRedfield
Ahhh the emotions in this. You really have a knack for creating these conversations with both pairs of people and make it not only believable but magnetic. I want these in the episodes goshhhhhh. Great read.
10/5/2016 c1 25Myfanstory
I would like to see Amanda and Declan start a relationship.
10/18/2015 c1 Guest
Hahah love his and livs relationship hehehe like there fighting but she walks join sits with him haha they go to each other for everything besides el she goes to him I love every single word you used
10/18/2015 c1 Guest
Aww Liv was always there she got him through it all I love this this is amazing love all the words you used

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