Just In
for The Silent Descendant

10/23/2020 c9 bluestorm28
I have to say I found the story title a little bit confusing at first because when I saw it said the silent descendant I immediately thought that your oc would be deaf or just plain mute but she isn't,
so if you don't mind me asking you but what made you decide to call it what you called it?
(also I absolutely loved reading this story. )
5/3/2020 c7 12cicibunbuns
Why don’t you just stomp on my heart too! It’s been torn out and left on the floor... easy access here!
5/3/2020 c4 cicibunbuns
I just realize it’s kind of like the reverse of Gaston and Belle... kind of... sorta... it’s now Gaston’s child that is getting repeatedly hit on like he did to Belle.
7/31/2019 c8 7Femslash08
OUAT quote spotted!
6/1/2019 c5 Cinder Warrior
You are such a beautiful person. Also you story is amazing. God bless.
4/21/2019 c5 2Gabby-Hunter
That is a really good point...
1/3/2018 c9 Guest
I really like the story is awesome, cool, amazing,and good I want to read what other descendants fanfics you have.
10/18/2017 c8 22CrystalFabray
'Evil isn't born, its made' - Regina Mills, OUAT
10/3/2017 c1 61Insane Magician
Jay's second verse is 'traitor' not 'trader'
7/29/2017 c1 4NikkiJane21
i am obsessed with your story. I thought about writing something like that. just adding OCs but I don't think I could top that. And it would probably look like I was copying you. but anyway I live your writing style. I lobe your characters. and Gabby and lucian is now my descendants OTP.
7/20/2017 c9 Guest
Please write a sequel
7/19/2017 c1 I am now abandoned
are you gonna write a sequel to the silent descendant once descendants 2 comes out?
1/20/2017 c2 2JediGemini
to tell you the truth ben with gabriella would have blown the beast belle and gaston's mind lol
9/26/2016 c9 5Natsuki D
Loved the story _
(Also to sleeping beauties grams. Aurora didn't have to be raised by fairies or sent away. The curse only said she would fall into a deep sleep when she turned 18. And that she will grow in grace and beauty. It never mentioned anything about anything happening before that. You didn't need to send your daughter away until that night idiot) Sorry I just really find the gram and granddaughter to be stupid.
Thanks for writing _/
9/6/2016 c9 5RoyalPrincessHinataHyuga
I loved it so much D
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