9/10/2024 c16 Guest
Could you have Hina Carina Rebecca uta Margaret (she's the girl with short yellow hair who's on Amazon lily with Hancock and the other girls) and Bonney (she's the daughter of kuma) be part of luffys hearm and crew
Could you have Hina Carina Rebecca uta Margaret (she's the girl with short yellow hair who's on Amazon lily with Hancock and the other girls) and Bonney (she's the daughter of kuma) be part of luffys hearm and crew
9/9/2024 c3 Jibberflex
This Sun fruit feels like a waste. Nothing is done with it. Should have just kept him as a rubber man.
This Sun fruit feels like a waste. Nothing is done with it. Should have just kept him as a rubber man.
9/9/2024 c2 Jibberflex
This seems like a pretty poor excuse as to why he's bad with his fruit still. If Garp was training him, he would first make sure he could control his DF as easy as breathing to make sure he's safe. Why would he skip over that and focus more on those Marine techniques? Lazy writing imo.
This seems like a pretty poor excuse as to why he's bad with his fruit still. If Garp was training him, he would first make sure he could control his DF as easy as breathing to make sure he's safe. Why would he skip over that and focus more on those Marine techniques? Lazy writing imo.
7/29/2024 c14 Just a Homie
I'm left.. I think my frustrations soured any enjoyment I could've gotten from this ;; and that's my fault. This was also the first time I skimmed portions of this book :/ specifically anything that wasn't the bomb getting cut in half (had to go back cause confused) and the very end. I just didn't WANT to read the other characters STILL going through their fights. I'm normally a uh.. shit I forget the word, but I prefer characters interacting and story flowing then fights. But I've been itching for you to do SOMETHING with Luffy for so damn fucking long. I'm excited to finish this up though and get on to your other books or look through more OP stories. It's a nice change of pace and I like learning new worlds
I will say that I'm glad I was proven right when you said you wanted make him chant lol. Hats off to you I did NOT expect a Kamehameha (THATS A WORD BUILT INTO AUTOCORRECT NOW LMAO?! BY DEFAULT?!) x100. Was cool to see though xD
I'm left.. I think my frustrations soured any enjoyment I could've gotten from this ;; and that's my fault. This was also the first time I skimmed portions of this book :/ specifically anything that wasn't the bomb getting cut in half (had to go back cause confused) and the very end. I just didn't WANT to read the other characters STILL going through their fights. I'm normally a uh.. shit I forget the word, but I prefer characters interacting and story flowing then fights. But I've been itching for you to do SOMETHING with Luffy for so damn fucking long. I'm excited to finish this up though and get on to your other books or look through more OP stories. It's a nice change of pace and I like learning new worlds
I will say that I'm glad I was proven right when you said you wanted make him chant lol. Hats off to you I did NOT expect a Kamehameha (THATS A WORD BUILT INTO AUTOCORRECT NOW LMAO?! BY DEFAULT?!) x100. Was cool to see though xD
7/29/2024 c13 Just a Homie
-_- sjdjdnrndkxodorbrbxodorkr
You know what this is about lmao.
-_- sjdjdnrndkxodorbrbxodorkr
You know what this is about lmao.
7/29/2024 c12 Just a homie
So this is really my first foray into OP ff. And before I move on to 13 I just wanted to air something that's kinda grating to me. Before I do though! I like your story and I am gonna finish it cause I do like it but one of my biggest personal gripes in ff is when the MC just.. isn't. It feels like eons since the story has had luffy doing literally anything. And I get it, he's more powerful and he's helping everyone else get stronger. He's a good dude and you're doing a great job building up the others. But this annoyed feeling in my gut won't go away unless I vent my frustration and that's what this is! I seriously do like your book and I don't want you to change anything or do anything differently cause then.. it just wouldn't be YOUR book anymore. IM not the one writing this lol.
THAT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT IM ANNOYED LMAO! To me AN MC is just that. The MC. And I generally HATE when they feel like more of a side character or in the case of your Luffy, a beat stick for the moments the others can't handle things. It's again, just a personal gripe though. I don't want you to feel hurt or like I'm attacking you homie. This is frustration built up over many years of reading, writing, watching, and playing various medias lol. I hope everything is going good with you though in life! Have a good one
So this is really my first foray into OP ff. And before I move on to 13 I just wanted to air something that's kinda grating to me. Before I do though! I like your story and I am gonna finish it cause I do like it but one of my biggest personal gripes in ff is when the MC just.. isn't. It feels like eons since the story has had luffy doing literally anything. And I get it, he's more powerful and he's helping everyone else get stronger. He's a good dude and you're doing a great job building up the others. But this annoyed feeling in my gut won't go away unless I vent my frustration and that's what this is! I seriously do like your book and I don't want you to change anything or do anything differently cause then.. it just wouldn't be YOUR book anymore. IM not the one writing this lol.
THAT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT IM ANNOYED LMAO! To me AN MC is just that. The MC. And I generally HATE when they feel like more of a side character or in the case of your Luffy, a beat stick for the moments the others can't handle things. It's again, just a personal gripe though. I don't want you to feel hurt or like I'm attacking you homie. This is frustration built up over many years of reading, writing, watching, and playing various medias lol. I hope everything is going good with you though in life! Have a good one
7/31/2024 c16 BrianShooter672
Hey Author, incase you decide to wrote an Omake in the Future chapter. How about feature One Piece Soccer Dream King where Straw Hats team vs Buggy All-stars Villain team with Nami, Vivi, Valerie, Robin and Karoo are cheering for Luffy and the others or One Piece Baseball King Straw Hats Team vs Arlong fishmen Team.
Hey Author, incase you decide to wrote an Omake in the Future chapter. How about feature One Piece Soccer Dream King where Straw Hats team vs Buggy All-stars Villain team with Nami, Vivi, Valerie, Robin and Karoo are cheering for Luffy and the others or One Piece Baseball King Straw Hats Team vs Arlong fishmen Team.
7/29/2024 c16 Greycait
This was badass! And as much as I'm sad that Smoker was killed, Tashigi and Hina joining the crew, first by choice and then by World Government Nonsense is amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing more of them, and especially how Tashigi will be exploring and developing her fruit and sword skills.
This was badass! And as much as I'm sad that Smoker was killed, Tashigi and Hina joining the crew, first by choice and then by World Government Nonsense is amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing more of them, and especially how Tashigi will be exploring and developing her fruit and sword skills.
7/23/2024 c16 Don-7
This fic is amazing! The characters are great and don't feel too out of character. Once this fic reaches Water 7 I'd think that Paulie would be a good suggestion for the crew.
This fic is amazing! The characters are great and don't feel too out of character. Once this fic reaches Water 7 I'd think that Paulie would be a good suggestion for the crew.
7/21/2024 c15 Dan the Man
Damn so Croc is confirmed dead then, wow that's a pretty big blow to canon (F for Smoker too i guess)
Damn so Croc is confirmed dead then, wow that's a pretty big blow to canon (F for Smoker too i guess)