Just In
for Slip Up

11/4/2017 c22 acherongoddess
I had a major fan girl moment whn i saw the update and it was so worth the wait! I cant wait to see more!
11/4/2017 c22 13HikariNoTenshi-San

And lol that's why you were taking so long? Lol, like, all I can hear is, "Skull-sama shall get his way aND YOU WILL LIKE IT!"


I await the update!
11/4/2017 c1 Sorako5
OMG YOU'RE ALIVE! Writer's block is pretty normal, but please don't completely disappear next time!
11/4/2017 c22 Guest
yeah, figured it was writer's block pulling a mukuro on skull and wreaking havoc on your brain. still, this particular battle was clearly fought masterfully, and was soooo cool to read, even if it was a little short for my tastes. (the fantastic imagery more than makes up for it though, imo)
about the only thing i can think of as a suggestion to maybe try and improve this to be even better depends entirely on whether or not verde's currently research, er, "volunteers" are of the living variety. if they are, maybe add a sentence of verde being mildly irritated by the blatant terror making the test subjects move around? if
going by how viciously this entire thing is fighting you, imma just make myself comfy and be nice and patient. greatness should never be rushed, y'know.
11/4/2017 c22 4DragonFoxx
Yeah a new chapter. Thank you for writing.
11/4/2017 c22 35monzepelmoon
I enjoyed how you gave a view point for each character other than the main one. I hope to read another chapter soon.
11/4/2017 c22 kagewolf25
11/4/2017 c22 1buterflypuss
good chap
11/4/2017 c22 11Foxtronic
Wooo! New chapter! I love this story so can't wait to continue reading this! I recently started writing my own fanfiction and realize how hard it actually is lol.
11/4/2017 c22 4robina852
Lovely chapter
11/4/2017 c22 AnimeFreak71777
11/4/2017 c22 Xrupa
Hey, glad to see you back. I'm so sorry to hear you've had so much trouble with this chapter but if it's any consolation - it wasn't apparent in the chapter at all. I enjoyed it.

Thank you for your hard work ]
11/4/2017 c22 1Sakihinata
Verde is quite adorable with his little pet projects ;)
Thanks for the update !
11/4/2017 c22 wildcat1144
If I could heart fics it would this one
11/4/2017 c22 34BlackSky83
YES! I miss this sooo much! So happy up are back. Love the perspectives and each individual doing their job.

I love the Arcobaleno and their reactions but It would be awesome if you could show that Skull isn’t really... used to being support by them I guess. Like him being all “Okey, you help, final battle is coming so gtg.” And they would be like “wtf no.” Or something.

Oh! Also! Are you doing that ProtectiveArcobaleno! Special?

Anyway! Cya! Thanks for the chapter
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