Just In
for Slip Up

11/2/2015 c1 13foxchick1
11/2/2015 c3 3Ryn-Tak
O.O I think I pity whoever pissed him off... a little... not really. it bad that I look forward to seeing the eruption and the Arcobalenos' responses?
11/2/2015 c3 LlamaLamb72
I love it when the comic relief characters get mad. I think because it adds another layer to their character but I know that when the joke character gets mad I'm going to have a good time. So I really enjoyed this chapter and I'm hoping that the next one will have Skull talking with the rest of the Arcobaleno or at least more interaction between them. Thanks for updating!
11/2/2015 c3 NinjaGirl9797
11/2/2015 c3 3RealityDidMeIn
I've actuallt looked up a couple Skull-is-Harry fics since finding this, and I find that I enjoy them. Thank you for sharing!
11/2/2015 c3 ediblewallpaper
Whoop whoop, Go Skull!

Ooh you made me grin uncontrollably
Can't wait for the next chapter (even though you have just posted this one)!
11/2/2015 c3 2history
Ohhhh i love this chapter!
11/2/2015 c3 23northpeach
...I need a chapter like this. This is just so perfect.
11/1/2015 c2 Jenkinst
This is a really cool imagining of the idea I can't wait to see where you take it.
10/31/2015 c2 calypso tchaka
I think this is a really intersting start! I'd love to read more. Thanks ;)
10/30/2015 c2 Guest
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update THIS, and your OTHER stories, again SOON! Thank you!
10/30/2015 c2 Y.Katana
vary good start i look forward to the continuation _
10/29/2015 c2 Hanii Seirios Slytherin
I loved it!
So gread!
10/29/2015 c2 Kittenlzlz
I like this!
10/28/2015 c2 Guest
holy crap im so exited for this! Please tell me skull is going to show off some kick ass moves! Ohhhh, I cant wait!
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