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10/27/2015 c2 mochilera
Me encanta tu percepción de skull/harry y la idea de que él tenga toda una red de informantes sin los otros saberlo es muy original.
10/27/2015 c2 6FluffyPizzaPie
I really the 'Harry-is-Skull' idea, but not everyone can make it work convincingly.
This, though...I can easily see Harry as Skull. Easily.
10/27/2015 c2 6ilove0t6forever
Arrrrgggghhhhh! I love the ones where Harry-is-Skull! Great job and I cannot wait until the next chapter!
10/27/2015 c2 3charm13insomnia
cool fic
10/27/2015 c2 Orange3WhiteSkew
It's going to be interesting when they realize.
10/26/2015 c2 Evani
Loving it, can't wait for an update, thank you for writing this
10/26/2015 c2 177Firehedgehog
10/26/2015 c1 Guest
please write more!
10/26/2015 c2 Rin-s666
Good chapter!
10/26/2015 c2 DirectSomething
Nice chapter, it made me feel more determined and confident. It's like the inner monologue influenced my emotions. When a story has that effect, you know you're doing good! :D
10/26/2015 c2 SphereShadow
Great Job!
10/26/2015 c2 ediblewallpaper
Yaaaaaay, another update! It makes me happy :)
I can't stop grining
10/26/2015 c2 Cherri101
10/26/2015 c1 ediblewallpaper
I can't wait for the next chapter! Hope you can update soon
10/26/2015 c2 4110301
I wanna see the Rainbow Brigade react to seeing Skull completely slaughter a person threatening one of them, like, without warning. I want it to just come out of nowhere, like, BAM, and they're all like, what the fvck. Bonus points if Skull doesn't even realize what he's doing in front of them until it's over.
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