Just In
for Slip Up

9/9/2020 c23 libraryrockerr
I cried sooooooo much when I was reading this, waterfalls of tears.

*hugs our heroes with ALL THE HUGS IN THE WORLD*

3/24/2020 c1 mika.chanda
3/7/2020 c10 lalalamb
Please don't whine little trash. Besides why would you tell them you're entire life story when they won't do the same. It's cringey.
11/21/2019 c22 APridefulSin
is that two and a half inches a reference to another fanfiction here?
7/26/2019 c17 Amandebw
Where do the neo-death eater come from? I can’t see the children of Hogwarts, pure blood or not, raising their children to be as bigoted as their elders. I can’t see the children of Hogwarts, who had to grow quickly and saw so much death at their doorstep, become these néo-zélandais death eaters. I can’t even see them as neo-order because they, better then anyone, know better then to run to Harry. They have fought and suffered but they know that Harry went through worse and respect him too much to try and call him back. The children of Hogwarts fought to survive and won, and I can’t see them becoming bigots or wimps that need to call their general the second something goes wrong. That was their elders, the people who were supposed to protect them and failed as they hid like the cowards they were... not them. So where do these neo-death eaters and order come from?
7/14/2019 c23 Midnight49
NOOOOOO! When’s the next update!? I don’t usually read ANY Harry Potter crossover stories, but this story has me HOOKED!
7/14/2019 c11 Midnight49
Well damn I remembered that Harry had a shit life... but I forgot it got this shitty after year 1 in Hogwarts.
7/14/2019 c9 Midnight49
They know... well only Viper does, but they will know nonetheless!
6/6/2019 c23 Guest
Please come back to Slip-up. Do they rescue George, Bill, & Fleur before she has the baby? What does she have? Do they move out of Britain?
4/12/2019 c23 Dezzi95
In love with story!
3/24/2019 c22 Singard
This novel was a great read when done while listening to the song "Till You Drop" by ItaloBrothers.
1/30/2019 c23 Singard
I was reading this while listening to Keep Swinging by Blitz Kids on repeat and I found it to be the perfect song for it.
1/18/2019 c23 Xander
As much as this pains me and Liked it. I actually prefer the part before when they realize that Harry(skull) is the major real deal Sky and it’s even more painful. The satisfaction of their remorse is gratifying with ‘Yes, you damn arrogant fools. He is the real deal, the real sky and the real survivor.’ But either way this is your story. Thank you though for blessing us again with a different perspective in a way.
1/3/2019 c23 creativesm75
12/26/2018 c22 2Rasdra
Re read your whole thing. still great, looking forward to you progressing the plot some more now everyone has had their revelations and have started coming to terms with it.
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