Just In
for Slip Up

4/16/2018 c22 Dominique Icefall
I'm looking forward to your next chapter!
4/11/2018 c22 Cutey bell
Thank you can't wait for more.
4/11/2018 c22 Guest
Well hun I was worried for a moment but you have go and impressed me keep it up hun
4/4/2018 c22 Osomi Eithr
I love this story: both the plot and the way it is written. I look foreward to an update. Well done and good luck!
3/31/2018 c22 StarKurama
sweeeeeeeeet! i can't wait to read more! please continue!
3/31/2018 c18 StarKurama
i agree. that is what family should be.
3/31/2018 c22 2She-Who-Flys-On-Wings-Of-Ink
I legit have no words for the sheer awesomeness of this story... I started sobbing like 2 chapters in and didn't stop until this one. I can't wait to see what happens next!
3/20/2018 c22 Nemhain2009
Great story!
3/4/2018 c22 Fire Dolphin
I spent all night just reading this story. I was so captivated, that I could not put it down. Thank you for the update!
2/28/2018 c22 read or die
I ADORE your writing, it is some of the best I've come across either on this sight or even in actual physical books. Please keep writing you have a truly splended talent and it is just simply AMAZING! I love your stories, they just pull me out of my head and in to the world you create with your words, I get actual chills while reading your stories. Thank you so much for writing and sharing your world(s).
2/15/2018 c4 Guest
Which way is his back bent? Just for clarification so I can get a a clearer mental picture of the book. It has so many feels. It’s awesome ten out of ten!
2/5/2018 c22 3Necrogod
Thanks for the chapter!

Update soon!
1/22/2018 c22 Guest
1/17/2018 c22 351fringeperson
All the things! You! You! All the things! LOVE!
1/12/2018 c22 jgood27
Love this story and cant wait to read more
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