Just In
for Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw

9/9 c68 GodLovesReading2
I don't want to be that guy but it's been almost ten years since you started the story and we are only on year 2 I know its been more then two years since the start but I dont actually think we will be alive by the end of the story
9/4 c8 HeartsGlow
As young as Alex is and what she wants to do and know, she seems to be inherently evil.
9/6 c35 RoBrCh
Oh my! When you create a "bad guy" you make them evil. Your AU is not safe and is in fact, frightening. That takes some courage to write.
9/5 c29 ThePillarsOfCreation
9/3 c7 HeartsGlow
I like the story and understand that HARRY would have "grown-up" feelings; however, Ginny, John, Hermione... they are all too young to "be in love" with anyone. Let alone understand just what love is.
9/3 c5 HeartsGlow
Nitpicking now, LOL! Harry is eight. In fifth year, he will be fifteen. That's seven years away, not eight.
9/4 c1 DeathCrawler
someone is posting this story on webnovel calling it harry potter revenge by abraham smith
9/4 c28 RoBrCh
Check with a mental health professional - there are several very effective treatments for phobias as well as effective meds to stop the panic involved. With his meditation skills and self-awareness, Harry would be an excellent candidate for those treatments.
9/4 c29 RoBrCh
You are doing a great job increasing tension in the story. Makes it a "page turner." I trust you will manage all the moving parts of the story and not overwhelm your readers.

I also appreciate the depth and development in the characters (especially the 'good guys). Hermione strikes me as a bit too simple (almost one dimensional, gaining all her worth (and sense of rightness in the world) from her academic recognition. I trust you will increase the complexity in that character as you go on.

Finally, thanks for an enjoyable story.
9/4 c68 19Dragon and Sword Master
*blink* Well...that was anticlimatic.
9/3 c68 2trekkifulron
wow that was unexpected
8/31 c14 gardenlizard1586
Really cool fic this is.
8/31 c68 MsCJCortez
I cried a bucket when I saw you'd updated again. I binge read this during the peak of my depression and being half crazy. Thank you for returning to this.
9/2 c68 SomeGuyFawkes
›› "I concede!"
*pause*, *pause*, *pause*... Nothing! (and violent hilarity ensues)
9/1 c40 2AvidReader2425
Another highly entertaining chapter, and a really cool boss moment from Harry.
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