Just In
for Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw

7/1 c65 4D.Mentor
This is another amazing chapter, thank you for writing.
7/1 c65 1Tsuki-no-Hazama Hime
finally... the project of lord slytherin begins... I have been waiting impatiently for that...
7/1 c65 Mr0cznyKisiel
the plot thickens...
7/1 c65 Foster-the-Wizards
So excited this is back, and absolutely amazing to boot
7/1 c62 arkhaamknight
At this point if harry doesnt kill virgo its going to change from a fun rivalry to tedious and drawn out. And it probably has to be kill as well, because he has too many enemies and at least two of them are voldycopies so one of them needs to go olus she is the most direct threat to his powerbase and is actively targetting it to boot.
7/1 c65 1TheGreatBubbaJ
Wonder if she'll show her necromancer talent.
7/1 c60 arkhaamknight
Im still surprised at commie Bill interesting take on it
7/1 c65 marlastiano
good :)
7/1 c65 3YamiTiger
it is amazing to see this getting updates again! amazing story
7/1 c50 arkhaamknight
Yup still hate alex. She got marginally better after she learned the Harry was Slytherin, but shes still a childish asshat. Its one thing to be cruel to your enemies, its another to do it to your friends
7/1 c40 arkhaamknight
Oh boy. This is going to go poorly.
7/1 c40 arkhaamknight
Im really starting to hate alex. Shes actually worse than malfoy at bring an arrogant toersg who is waaay out of their depth
6/30 c40 LongbottomSoba
6/30 c37 LongbottomSoba
With that kind of ability to connect the dots, Voldemort is right to fear Harry. Nicely done!
6/30 c64 0richierich0
In terms of wit, world-building, plot and great characters, yours is the best story I have ever read. And I pray to GOD that I might stumble upon another this good someday.
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