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for Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw

6/7 c35 Soul Sendant
harrys family pretending they care is just funny at this point
6/7 c34 Soul Sendant
the whole someone swapping the horcruxes definitely doest do anything but shoot holes into the story this is just mote ignorant teenage wish fulfillment garbage
6/7 c34 Soul Sendant
voldemort would win lmao this is dumb
6/7 c33 Soul Sendant
wow what a fucking waste if time this bullshit has been. nothing will change that all the plans up to know are all useless and over half of this story so far is just a waste of time. Nothing was accomplished except the death of the story
6/7 c33 Soul Sendant
lmao if it is the philosopher stone it wouldnt talk lmao so must be something else
6/7 c32 Soul Sendant
luna would never be that much better than everyone for no reason period its fucking retarded
6/7 c2 MattBlack
Ollivander doesn't own the tree, he's going way too far...
6/7 c30 Soul Sendant
there is not a single secret passageway way that is not on the marauders map. The map is keyed to the castle wards dippy
6/7 c29 Soul Sendant
wow the level of nazi fuck the wizarding world is plagued with in this story is retarded
6/7 c28 Soul Sendant
i hope voldemort kills these dumb bitches as he would if it was realistic but its definitely just wish fulfillment so plot armor bullshit and yeah im skipping this dumb bullshit oh the unicorn will die we better risk our lives for absolutely no reaseon whatsoever
6/6 c27 Soul Sendant
wow more whore glorification bullshit
6/6 c27 Soul Sendant
wow whore glorification so original and definitely not something only immature teenagers would like
6/6 c44 Redpanda1224
I’m binging this story right now and I just have to say this is one of the best HP fics I’ve read. Ty.

With all these hidden bosses and everyone being somehow hyper competent in all the wrong things, it’s no wonder that Tom just said “fuck it.” and started throwing AK’s around.

What happened to Peter and Remus?

How did Harry not feel Tom’s rage when he found his soul pieces missing but he did when Tom saw the fakes?
6/6 c36 Jack T. Writer
I always wondered why Harry doesn't use his future knowledge to invest in future inventors and such more... I mean yeah under Voldemorts rule things went differently and Voldemort probably didn't know future Muggle Events and such... but come on!
There had to be moments when someone dropped around Voldie some good informations. Like "did you remember the game in 1992, the way the americans thrashed the irish? The it was a 1:22 bet even having bet 1 galleon on the americans would have given you so much, why by merlins soggy underwear didn't I bet anything?" or similar things... that combined with Voldemort learning about economics and such means in the ten years he spend in Voldies head he should have learned yome useful information to invest in.
It just feels weird, how Harry ses Drug Money to fund his business (because simple muggle stuff like using Legillimence is too easy?), but harry isn't just a wizard, he is also a time traveller, let him use his knowledge!
I know the Legendery Krum catched the Snitch but the Irish won game has yet to come, but you already changed the logics behind Quidditch so who knows if that game will even go that way...

Especially with Harry having come back at the age of 8, he could have went through his first 2 years in Hogwarts with his mindmastery and search for any small information regarding upcoming professional Quidditch games and betting on them... sure his actions might change the future but most things still happen the same way and most of his actions don't even effect the quidditch indusrty anyway.
6/3 c61 Guest
And again Virgo continues to be an issue not dealt with. Got this new inner school ministry crap to add more complication and unwanted word count.

Was incredibly annoyed that Harry all but ceded full control of the Room to fricken John and Voldy completely and wondered how that was going to bite them in the ass.

Did not see the doorway to the chamber coming. However I also didn't expect a fricken horcrux to gain authority over the basilisk when Harry is supposed to be full on lord slytherin on top of having defeated Voldy.
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