Just In
for Consequences of Meddling With TIme

7/15 c1 6Verdillious
An interesting story with its multiple time jumps! I enjoyed reading it!
6/27 c60 timetravelcrookshanks
ahh Ive never commented on a story before, but i just had to for this one!

I love time-turner fics to severus’ school years, but my problem with them usually is that when the story eventually returns to canon current events, the reader just gets dragged through the horcrux hunting canon over and over again.

But what i loved with what you did with this story, is how you moved the story along the canon events through the use of the characters’ musing on the events afterwards.
Unlike other fics that drag us through the battle at the dept of mysteries, or breaking into gringotts, I appreciate how it was summed up through Severus or Hermione reflecting on it after.

Also, young severus was so adorable in this story. I love your writing and story telling. Thank you for this fic!
12/10/2022 c32 WiseFly
i thought pierre was sev.. untill mini DE's... well done
10/22/2022 c60 Beyondtheforest
Excellent Story

I especially like the note Severus left in his desk.

Well Done
9/10/2021 c60 jankatkaromka
Oh, my God.
It such a wonderful story.
It is so logical in the meaning of a relationship between Hermione and Severus.
It is so well written.
Thank you for your work
It's been wonderful
8/31/2021 c33 jankatkaromka
There's no such thing as Vozgian republic in Russia
4/17/2021 c60 nunes
Um capítulo adorável como de costume. Manter em segurança.
9/16/2020 c1 3Meowser Clancy
I read this on Granger Enchanted back in the day (god I miss that website) but it was before you finished it. I just rediscovered it and I just wanted to let you know how excited I am to reread.
7/2/2020 c60 EmilyWoods
Just re-read the story and just reaffirmed that this is one of the best fanfictions ever written.
7/1/2020 c48 EmilyWoods
When I read scenes like this I am not sure why she is friends with Harry. I think he is not the best type of friend.
4/28/2020 c60 Hotmamantx
Omg this was wonderful!
2/29/2020 c1 appalove
A fantastic start! I'm excited to read more. This, to me, is a realistic scenario. The third book was my favorite because it was, in my opinion, the most tightly written and emotionally impactful on first read. HOWEVER, the problem with so many fantasy worlds, Harry Potter's included, is what I'd call magical overreach. The writer puts in something that goes beyond the barriers of what they themselves are willing to justify within the rules of their created magical world. JK Rowling was pretty terrible about this with the time travel thing, and this came back tenfold in "Cursed Child " I think it's fine to have something like time travel IF you're going to explain the rules around it and the cautions against meddling - otherwise, why didn't Dumbledore just go back and Avada Voldemort when he was on the toilet? (Lol, Austin Powers ref.) All this is to say - this is why I already love this fic! You're presenting a very real possibility that could have resulted from the careless time travel depictions in HP, and I'm very interested to see where it goes.
11/20/2019 c60 Lady Sundowne
I really loved this story. Congrats and we'll done!
11/13/2019 c1 11Dearlady2002
Can't wait to read the rest again!
5/17/2019 c60 32Pharies
Oh this was so good. I loved reading the chapters when she went back in time, but the build up to their relationship was even more wonderful. The epilogue, so to speak, was a good wrap up. Left just enough things in question without leaving wanting too much more.

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