Just In
for The Tale Of Soma Yoshida

4/17/2020 c5 Phil Binnie
Please finish this
9/19/2018 c1 Paulina aravena
Actualiza por favor me encantó tu historia en serio
6/22/2018 c2 Guest
... I feel like I did something dirty by reading this chapter...
6/20/2018 c1 3Alex-Grey-Fullbuster
Why change the name of the characters?
It's Soma Yukihira he is not name Soma Yoshida
6/20/2018 c5 1elliehandesu
Damn it a good story sadly aint not continuing at all.
10/2/2017 c5 asighoaighnqllg
lol. Senzaemon is trolling them hard.
5/3/2017 c5 KaitoYuuta
I enjoy the story. Love the comedy... And I love how you put the ultimate shipper :D
3/19/2017 c5 Notnest
I've enjoyed reading what you've written so far, I hope you update soon.

Good work 10/10
2/22/2017 c5
Please update! I really enjoy this story...
1/2/2017 c5 15NinjaFang1331
Awesome job and how cute
1/2/2017 c3 NinjaFang1331
awesome job with the chapter!
1/2/2017 c2 NinjaFang1331
nice going with the chapter
1/2/2017 c1 NinjaFang1331
awesome job
12/20/2016 c5 Guest
I love the story already ! Keep up the good work still hoping for next chapter!
12/17/2016 c5 7Eramis8
So Saezemon is planning on tricking them into being together. Somehow his deviousness just seems so whimsical that I am totally okay with it.
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