Just In
for The Vasto of White

7/24/2024 c14 nathan.tan.whcl
Nooooo that clown too Masaki :(
7/24/2024 c8 nathan.tan.whcl
6/29/2024 c5 Tinker Alias
If you guys are wondering what he did before was purifying the souls instead of devouring their reishi the differences are that he sent them to the soul society rather than killing them and instead of their reishi being put in the soul society they would have been devoured
6/21/2024 c83 Guest
Still praying for the sequel. Maybe when burn the witch is done?
6/20/2024 c5 1jtawh
Wait what? Shirou just murdered like 2500 hollows last chapter, but he’s not willing to kill Barragan? That doesn’t really make sense?
6/6/2024 c1 Guest
damyummm I got a woop jumspacre by Shirou/Archer lol
5/27/2024 c83 FrancoisDuComte
wait.. tf happened to aizen? i mean sure i read this in one sitting and certainly my eyes glossed over some parts but likewasnt he still fighting off ywhach a few chapters ago? the last ive seen him he's doing the dead-but-not-really schtick and then he suddenly dropped off the radar and it turned solely into a shirou vs. yhwhach boss fight? did his body collapse, unable to maintain the illusion that kept him alive? something else happened? what?
5/25/2024 c16 FrancoisDuComte
the way uryu's monologuing and internal thoughts about silent makes it seem like he wants to be ichigo's stepdad wtf lmao

bruh she's older than ye plus her husband's still around lol stahp pls
4/4/2024 c83 Guest
Still hoping we get a sequel.
3/23/2024 c42 Hadoki As1na
Dom toretto is proud of this chapter
3/13/2024 c83 Guest
Have you heard about world keeper? This would be a good cross with this one
2/17/2024 c31 ZeaZ01
I never thought that Aizen applying for work would be extremely interesting
2/17/2024 c6 Guest
omg did every freakin noble phantasm become his soul weapon?

and hes in bleach were every enemy would have a sword!?

its a good thing besides saving people and cooking shirous is just as lazy as starrk

hes powers are so cooli just kinda hope theres character development and he becomes a king there and makes a Vasto society

im sure if he could grow food from soul society and some entertaimentnt (like rating games from DXD) he could make them somewhat civilized

like vikings

shirou could totally trace bolts of silk for fashion and shit so they could have some color in their life

maybe he could trade with soul society for seeds and animals?

theyd be effectivaly be in the medieval age compared to the futuristic shit soul society got in terms of comfort tho

only plus is not worrying much about hunger or proper sanitation for swedge since spiritual beings dont shit or piss

since every thing is basically spirit energy in a different shape

next thing you know theres a thriving economy
2/16/2024 c8 ZeaZ01
ahahhaa What the fuck was the best response he had xracked me up
2/16/2024 c6 ZeaZ01
Ayo. this story's rating just went up to 10/10 to 20/10 in just a chapter
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