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for Warrior Cats: Another Path

11/18/2015 c4 Servo36
Aww, you opened your eyes! ~purrs in excitement~
I love the idea of different points of views, maybe do a POV through Owlkit's father when he offically meets his kits!
I can't wait for another update! Keep it up, this is soo good! xD

Your Fan, Servo Unomi »**« (aka Brookpaw!)
11/8/2015 c3 6EverlastingImpression
I wanted to say that you've done a wonderful job with this story! So far I've found Ava to be a very likable character. She's appreciative of what she has, passionate about reading, intuitive, and easy enough to relate to. Usually human-to-warrior stories make me cringe because there is just way too much angst and fantasy realization in them, but this story did not ebb these qualities at all. You did a very nice job with your main character, and I'm eager to read more of her story.

I assume Ava is Owlkit. That's a nice name. I like it.

Lightpaw is exactly as I imagined her, and it was interesting to learn that Aspenkit had been adopted by Jaystar.

I am eager to see what happens from here! I expect this to be a great story!
11/4/2015 c1 Guest
OMS! I know exactly how Ava feels! I wish this would happen to me though... (I'm 10)
11/6/2015 c3 deactivated1111111
Cool! I'm looking forward to the story, I'm so excited! I didn't know that Aspenkit would be adopted by Jaystar! Cool, read ya later!
11/4/2015 c3 Servo36
Awesome chapter! »«
And cool idea with the little fun fact at the end.
Owlkt! Owlkit! Owlkit!

~Servo Unomi
11/2/2015 c1 1pokmon197
Interesting start.I would like for to be a bit longer.
11/1/2015 c1 8Miss Goldenwing
Apostrophes are used for possessiveness, so it should be Warrior Cats in your title. (: I like how you included the Warriors quotes, it adds a bit of nostalgia. Good job, hope you continue!
11/1/2015 c1 CaseyCat17
I've read quiet a few human to cat warrior books, and all of them were bad. But this book, this book has potential. If you want help on the book, you can PM me and I can share you my ideas over kik. I have tons of ideas and I'd love to be a part of this book

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