5/31/2021 c3 Guest
You never posted it
You never posted it
4/28/2021 c3 Whatcanyouthink
Hey are you going to finish it or not it's been years so please finish it by the way it's a great one I love it
Hey are you going to finish it or not it's been years so please finish it by the way it's a great one I love it
12/28/2020 c3 Guest
Did you ever make a chapter 4
Did you ever make a chapter 4
6/25/2020 c3 ChronoCorvus
Please please pLease continue this is so good icantf ind ways to describe iT!
Please please pLease continue this is so good icantf ind ways to describe iT!
5/14/2020 c3 Lord Dante Wolf
Please continue this story. My family and I enjoyed reading it and would like to read more of it.
Lord Dante Wolf the 10th
Please continue this story. My family and I enjoyed reading it and would like to read more of it.
Lord Dante Wolf the 10th
4/23/2020 c3
It said oneshot, so I’ll treat it like that.
It was one hell of a oneshot, that’s for sure. Enjoyed every moment of it, and I can see myself rereading it in the future from a fix of fluff. Although there was a lot of sexual encounters, their actions and relationships still seemed to retain a foundation outside of just sex.
It’s a shame that chapter 3 never really came out, but chapters 12 were satisfying enough on their own.

It said oneshot, so I’ll treat it like that.
It was one hell of a oneshot, that’s for sure. Enjoyed every moment of it, and I can see myself rereading it in the future from a fix of fluff. Although there was a lot of sexual encounters, their actions and relationships still seemed to retain a foundation outside of just sex.
It’s a shame that chapter 3 never really came out, but chapters 12 were satisfying enough on their own.
3/30/2020 c3 Barney
Post pls
Post pls
8/22/2019 c3 WolfBeHere
Well? Waiting eagerly for the next chapter... And awesome and story by the way! Keep it up !
Well? Waiting eagerly for the next chapter... And awesome and story by the way! Keep it up !
8/20/2019 c3 Guest
Plx finish
Plx finish
5/10/2019 c3 Guest
Really enjoying the story, cant wait for more! And im glad to see you back
Really enjoying the story, cant wait for more! And im glad to see you back