Just In
for Under The Mistletoe

7/29/2021 c3 PapaBigNoseJr
5/31/2021 c3 Guest
You never posted it
4/28/2021 c3 Whatcanyouthink
Hey are you going to finish it or not it's been years so please finish it by the way it's a great one I love it
2/17/2021 c2 1nebben
will you please write more if not may i adopt the story
2/16/2021 c3 nebben
where is the rest?!
12/28/2020 c3 Guest
Did you ever make a chapter 4
7/18/2020 c3 WHiteboyem
nice to see a new side of arty
6/25/2020 c3 ChronoCorvus
Please please pLease continue this is so good icantf ind ways to describe iT!
5/14/2020 c3 Lord Dante Wolf
Please continue this story. My family and I enjoyed reading it and would like to read more of it.

Lord Dante Wolf the 10th
4/23/2020 c3 1AEceros
It said oneshot, so I’ll treat it like that.

It was one hell of a oneshot, that’s for sure. Enjoyed every moment of it, and I can see myself rereading it in the future from a fix of fluff. Although there was a lot of sexual encounters, their actions and relationships still seemed to retain a foundation outside of just sex.

It’s a shame that chapter 3 never really came out, but chapters 12 were satisfying enough on their own.
3/30/2020 c3 Barney
Post pls
8/22/2019 c2 3WolfBeHere
8/22/2019 c3 WolfBeHere
Well? Waiting eagerly for the next chapter... And awesome and story by the way! Keep it up !
8/20/2019 c3 Guest
Plx finish
5/10/2019 c3 Guest
Really enjoying the story, cant wait for more! And im glad to see you back
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