Just In
for Flawed Heroes

12/26/2019 c14 53AquaEclipse
Need a tissue box? I'll be getting the whole stash from home. This is one life that I know I probably don't want to live in person... no offense. It's harsh. It's heartbreaking. It's literally going to Hell in a handbasket.
The vague-erased-kinda memory... might as well stab me in the heart. This chapter is just putting me in an Iron Maiden and leaving me in there for the rest of the segment.
12/26/2019 c13 AquaEclipse
"I think [Nico] deserves a break" FINALLY, SOMEONE SAYS IT!
12/26/2019 c11 AquaEclipse
...ouch. I think this one hit right in the heart...
12/26/2019 c8 AquaEclipse
Does anyone have a normal childhood? Nope! A heck ton of abuse (in various forms) and neglect, coming right up, plus an extra dose of death!
Speaking of death, he's a HOT idiot indeed... as far as what I've heard from his descriptions.
12/26/2019 c7 AquaEclipse
Oh gods, guilt... it falls under 'holding grudges'... holding a grudge against ONESELF FOR PAST TRANSGRESSIONS! I figured it out weeks, even months ago, when hanging out for too long on TV Tropes. I don't know how I forgot so easily... it applied to Bianca too... so technically, the entire Underworld royal bloodline shares a fatal flaw.
12/26/2019 c6 AquaEclipse
*gasp* I almost forgot it was because of the fatal flaws that the Eternal Couple ended up in the Heckmouth...
OUch, Grudge is just... hurts my heart... well, the fic 'hellbent' (AO3) called them Rancor, which is just as fine by me.
12/26/2019 c1 AquaEclipse
Woo! We're jumping right into this! Nice, quick and too the point.
7/23/2019 c1 skotos07
Okay, strenge :)
4/3/2019 c21 EricaEEE
I usually don't specefic reson (read: I'm terribly lazy). I really liked the story, especially your describtions. You do them really good. However, there are sometimes too much of them that it gets boring. (Sorry, just my opinion).
You're also great in describing the feelings, and I'm serious when I say you're a truely fantastic writer. Don't leave writing.
And my favourite charactor is Leo too. He's just MIND BLOWINGLY (is that a word?) AWESOME and TOO CUTE for his own good. TEAM LEO FOREVER!
5/30/2018 c21 Nuvole-Bianche
Hey, author (whomever you are; I can't remember names),
I thought it was great. I really enjoyed having all the different POVs- especially because they were actually pretty accurate in my mind.
Normally, I dislike some of the characters- in Canon I just can't like their personalities or understand them in general, and some authors make them too OOC which is just as bad, because I really can't believe someone could /do/ what the author says (or there's little-to-no plot and it makes me uncomfortable)- but having the different viewpoints actually made this enjoyable for me. For example, I can't hold a grudge, no matter what happens (I think it's a mental thing; my family is amazing at making me feel horrible for something I did ten years ago), so I tend to dislike Nico because I can't understand him. Even if I had the same experiences I still wouldn't be able to blame others for them, and I would feel awful if I acted the same way he did (even with my own struggles with depression, I still never took it out on anyone else). But the fact that you took your time to explain his character via the flaw made me actually able to see his point of view more clearly than I really had before. I still semi-dislike his character overall (nothing against his physical qualities or sexuality; I'm a teenager, so I know about the emo look, and I'm asexual myself so I spend a lot of time with those who identify themselves as LGBTQ) but at least I can understand him a bit better.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you still are, and remember to keep writing even if you don't share it with others, because there's nothing that writing can't alleviate.
Guest User / Nuvole-Bianche
1/19/2018 c21 ReaderGirl11
1/19/2018 c9 ReaderGirl
Happy birthday!
11/20/2017 c21 Guest
I don't know what to write, and for some reason I'm typing slowly, because nothing I could ever write could describe how amazing that story was.

God bless you.
11/20/2017 c20 Guest
When youbsaidbguess whose pov i freaked
11/20/2017 c19 Guest
That was so good! Isis not see that coming (though I did know about why they were acting different from the start.)
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