Just In
for Flawed Heroes

11/20/2017 c16 Guest
My head jolted back a bit when I read that last part (no, more sentences like that would not make me burst out crying *please note my guilty look*)
11/20/2017 c14 Guest
T one point in the story I started convulsing, trying to hold back sobs (it's 1:50 am)
11/20/2017 c13 Guest
I would suggest the Eros one, but as you've already written this, that would be pointless so...

Anyway, nearly excited for this next chapter as I was for Leo's.

Solangelo is my otp!

Okay, now I really need to wad the next chapter.

11/20/2017 c12 Guest
For some reason I just started thinking about what my fatal flaw is... and I think it's probably my lack of self confidence.

Just a random thought.
11/20/2017 c11 Guest
I was not sisapppinted. Honestly, at the point where Teresa hit Leo, if I were there, I feel like I would have launched myself at Leo, partly to... Ugh whatchaclit comfort him, partly to Jose my face somewhere where I couldn't see anything.

Th whole chapter I seriously just sat there with my hand over my mouth.

You're an amazing writer.
11/20/2017 c10 Guest
I do r know why in reviewing to say this when I could just flip to the next chapter bit: IM SO EXCITED FOR IT!

Eeeeee! Bye!
11/20/2017 c9 Guest
(And does the actual nico show up?)
Guess ill find out.
11/20/2017 c9 Guest
When I write this, it isn't actually your birthday, as you wrote this story before I read it, be happy birthday!

And Leo is also my favorite character, alon with solangelo.

ILOVEYOURSTORIES! (I mean tensions and thus one.)

I bless your etern qualities.

Ps. I wouldn't bd a guest but for some reason, my iPod wont let me sign in.

Is it weird that I like the angst the best?
9/16/2017 c21 Guest
Awww that was a cute ending chapter good job!
9/16/2017 c17 Guest
Am I the only one who just couldn't stop laughing when frank said his secret?
9/15/2017 c16 Guest bastard!
9/15/2017 c15 Guest
Holy shit you made me think that I was reading Leo's pov in HoO! You made me laugh through all the sad and angry scenes in this chapter! Thank you for that!
9/15/2017 c5 Guest
You jackass. You just HAD to put the Tartarus fall in there didn't ya? Jerk
9/10/2017 c10 4r4ni
Reminds me of Nico's and Percy's conversation.
9/4/2017 c9 Athenakid13
It's really, quite obvious. They are acting different because they no longer have their flaws. The flaws have been separated from their bodies for too long, I assume they'll return once the flaws are back inside the demigods.
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