Just In
for Sexual Desires of a Shiny Darkrai

12/23/2019 c5 ZVSolar
Wow, the Darkrai raped her own mother, very classy.

Seriously now that's just bad, this story has unlikable characters just like the Suicune stories on Zyxa's page.
2/29/2016 c5 22ZYXA12-ReBornX7
Love me some SF/D/I and HToaV~ :)
1/25/2016 c5 4yveshku
Interesting...A little short, but I understand why. I've had short chapters one my stories.
1/24/2016 c5 10Lunaris.Shade
... there are no words... there are no words to describe what ive just read. Ok, so this crazy psycho bitch wants a guy in her life, and her one solution is to steal another girl's? Eh, you know what they say: Bitches be crazy! Nice and sexy as always. KEEP IT UP BRUH!
1/4/2016 c1 5Baconicon
This is a really awesome story idea, keep it up. Hope to see more Chapters soon.
1/2/2016 c4 10Lunaris.Shade
Yay Raiden and Liana reconciled their marriage! I love it and hope for more, if youd like to be my hero. Oh BTW, the "double-dildo lesbian fuck" was also a request form Zyxa for my lemon collab. I think he likes dildos or somethin. Its odd, but sexy Phoebe raped her own mother...
1/2/2016 c3 Lunaris.Shade
... damn, i had no idea. Sorry dude, i know how THAT goes. My grand father passed Dec. 22 2008. Hell of an early Christmas present i know, but still. ANYWAY, good chapter as always, and i was laughing the entire time Raiden was talking with Daimen. It was eerily similar the discussion my ex's dad had with me. Strange.
1/2/2016 c2 Lunaris.Shade
Lesbo. Simple, elegant, and it feels awesome in youe pants. Figures her dad would be fine with it, its kinda stereotypical, actually. I still like it, and still want Allison, though we didnt see any of her in this chapter.
1/2/2016 c1 Lunaris.Shade
Ok, this was suggested to me BY Zyxa, and it was... um, what do you call the best thing youve ever read? Oh yeah, FUCKING AWESOME! FAV AND FOLLOW UP IN THIS BITCH! btw, Allison IS a bitch. BUT, i wish she was my bitch... mmm, i like mean girls...
11/22/2015 c4 22ZYXA12-ReBornX7
Boy, did Liana get owned~
11/21/2015 c3 5Jennette Enduro
Your, story is good, also I give my condolences, to you and your family. Just know you are not alone, I also lost my father to illness. So please let me know if you need to talk.
11/19/2015 c3 kevin2000
Nightlaw, I'm so sorry. Good chapter, and i'm happy you love your dad enough to dedicate this to him. :)
11/19/2015 c3 22ZYXA12-ReBornX7
May Raiden Shade inherit the soul of your father, Nightlaw... I hope you'll still be happy and sane. And maybe be a better parent/guardian than your mom... ;)
11/14/2015 c1 genesicgaogaigarvsgodgundam
11/12/2015 c2 ZYXA12-ReBornX7
Gee, I wonder what happened to Raiden the Darkrai?
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