Just In
for Angel

8/29/2016 c7 Sallyannerenee
It's good. Nice to see Sam and Angel bonding. I wonder if she's trying to get them to see that it would be nice to have her around.
8/27/2016 c6 Sallyannerenee
It will be interesting to see if the boys will let her come with them, I assume Bobby was training her. I like the way she mothers them.
8/24/2016 c5 Sallyannerenee
Great chapter. I wonder what Sam thinks of suddenly having a sister. And poor Angie. Will the boys keep her with them?
8/24/2016 c5 marvelandwinchesters
Brilliant chapter, I'm so sorry about what happened with your dad, I hope he gets better and I hope you know we all understand if you need to take a break:)
8/9/2016 c4 Sallyannerenee
Sam still doesn't know about Angel? I wonder how Dean's gonna explain that.
8/5/2016 c3 4WaywardDaughter617
I think you should " time jump" to Angel at ten, or to when Sam and Dean see Bobby TOGETHER next. Maybe when they call Bobby for that case with the Trickster.
8/4/2016 c3 Guest
Cathrine: NO! Mine!*hugs Cas tightly*
Castiel: please let me go
Cathrine: no
Dean: lovebirds
Sam: -_-
Great story!
Castiel: help!
Dean: haha no
Sam: Cathrine! I got soda!
Cathrine: MINE!*runs towards Sam*
Castiel: Thankyou
Dean: damn it!
7/29/2016 c2 Sallyannerenee
Cute story! I'm going to follow, hope you update it.
2/13/2016 c1 marvelandwinchesters
I want need more of this story, this is amazing
I wish I could write like you can
11/9/2015 c1 JediCat1965
I can't wait to see where this goes.

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