Just In
for The Dark Knight

5/28/2024 c11 imfangirlsueme
Hiccup had to get from somewhere
At least he isn’t Batman
The fool retired for 8 years cuz he was sad and had bad knees
Mah boi Anakin/Vader lost his wife, his brother (Star Wars Fans, I am sorry. nOT) , his sister, his opportunity at raising the kids he thought died, his limbs
Still kicked ass for 23 years til he died but haunted my 6 year old self
5/28/2024 c5 imafangirlsuem
This is giving me TASM ‘s Tiny Knives! My weakness!’ and Shazam’s first ‘ReScUe’ vibes
5/28/2024 c4 imafangirlsueme
For some reason, my brother and I watched all the He-Man stuff until we were like, 11 soo my traitorous brain went, ‘Thinks he’s He-Man huh’ and now I have an idea for a story Of my HTTYD version of He-Man
5/28/2024 c3 imafangirlsueme
Ahh, mah boi Daredeviled but he ain’t blind as a bat
5/28/2024 c2 imafangirlsueme
Ahh, he Tobey Maguire’d did he?
Hah, when I saw his movie I bust a lung laughing at every scene
Especially: UP UP AND AWAY WEB
4/21/2022 c11 4Narutaard
The oc's powers seem vastly more powerful than Hiccup's... and the interaction between the three: Hiccup, Astrid and the oc seemed kinda forced ngl
4/21/2022 c10 Narutaard
Ugh... I'm not a fan of oc's, don't know why tons of author's bother smh.
12/23/2020 c23 Eris
Fascinating story. Very intriguing. Hope you update soon again.
12/20/2020 c23 MarauderPrime12
Excellent chapter
12/20/2020 c23 60Death Fury
excellent chapter
12/20/2020 c23 Guest
The return of the king! Cant wait to get back to readingthis. Bloody good work mate!
12/20/2020 c23 8bulk Locke the the grim head
sweet an update that is so awesome i really love this fic
7/21/2020 c23 Guest
I like this book more than the others and I’m really hoping That you finished this one
7/19/2020 c23 2R.R. Blaze
When are you sending the next chapter? Oh, and would you mind if take some ideas from your story?
6/10/2020 c23 Guest
It’s been 5 years T-T
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