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for Hello, I'm Trying To Be a Better Man

2/11/2021 c1 Guest
Trash Morelli...hope she doesn't listen to the voice-mail and doesn't call you back
5/10/2018 c1 tanyaleigh
Love it!
4/21/2017 c1 melyons
That was probably the best song fic I have read. Great job. Miss your writing.
4/26/2016 c1 3Vulcan Rider
This was a very interesting piece. I don't often find Morelli stories where I sympathize with him, but it sounds like he's really finally grown up some with the help of AA and counseling. He definitely recounts his many, many sins against Steph. Great piece.
Maggie M.
4/11/2016 c1 rangerbabe.1
At least Joe can see what he stuffed up and wants to be forgiven.
11/17/2015 c1 30Mumofpicklegirls
Nicely done, Babe
Thanks for sharing
11/14/2015 c1 Barb4psu
Love it
11/13/2015 c1 3WyldRabbit
I love your story. It made me smile. Thank you.
11/13/2015 c1 26melanie.campbell.3348
Good job! I liked that it was a Babe, but from Joe's POV. We got to hear and feel his regret.
11/12/2015 c1 Guest
Very introspective of him. He might just turn out to be a decent person. Well written, thanks for sharing. JB.
11/12/2015 c1 maria
Ooh! Very good thinking Joe. He's finally understanding.

I liked your perspective of Joe. Very well written!
11/12/2015 c1 shellbell78
Awesome story! Maybe a sequel with Steph giving him a chance to make peace. Absolutely loved it. Great job as always.
11/12/2015 c1 Guest
well Joe.
One can only Hope.
Better late than never.
Good luck with that.
11/12/2015 c1 9the newest daughter
It's never too late to change and learn from your mistakes but it might be too late to get someone back into your life
11/12/2015 c1 AZBarb
That was excellent, a very emotional story.
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