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for Sabbatical

9/23/2018 c1 5Fractoluminescence
1: Nice picture
2: No, I don't think she's OOC
3: This is fucking hilarioushahahahahahahahah X'D
8/12/2016 c1 1Chayner
Now this is something good. Nicely written. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.
12/13/2015 c1 Guest
Please continue this story its really good
11/16/2015 c1 akeyama
i absolutely love it v
11/16/2015 c1 Guest
Histuhina forever update please
11/15/2015 c1 Guest
Please hurry up and update hurry awesome story can't wait to read some more
11/12/2015 c1 2Bulbreon
Haha! OMFG this is the funniest thing i've read in awhile! Fucking awesome, totally never expected to read Momo like this. This is so good, cannot wait to see what Shinji'll be like, since you have him on the character thing in the summary or whatever.

Please Update quick omfg this is gold.

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