Just In
for Shinobi On Board

7/7 c67 5Gamelover41592
epic work on this chapter
6/29 c1 32MisoSparkz
Nice I'll continue
6/29 c66 Borello
nice work
6/27 c66 14Power of Magic
Here's hoping that with Naruto helping, they'll be able to beat the Beast Pirates a little more easily. I look forward to the ass whooping that the alliance will give Kaido and I wonder how Naruto will react when he meets Yamato
6/26 c66 StrongGuy159
Cool chapter continue please.
6/26 c66 5Gamelover41592
awesome work on this chapter
6/26 c66 4Monster King
Amazing story please continue your doing amazing work
6/5 c62 Guest
Useless naruto Pedro died
6/5 c59 Guest
Hahahaha nice Naruto doesn't have the ability to sense negative emotions hahaha
6/4 c44 Guest
I hope there go back strong and kill one of useless Naruto's girls that give him a lesson useless naruto
6/3 c37 Guest
Useless naruto
6/3 c31 Guest
What a useless naruto
6/3 c25 Guest
Copy paste useless there's no Naruto just watch the anime one-piece this fic only use for passing time hahahashit fic
5/31 c65 jack da
Keep making chapter it already at egghead island
4/21 c65 Borello
really nice work
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