Just In
for A Change of Fate

2/27/2018 c2 caribbianbeauty17
Already in love
2/23/2018 c20 anja.quickert.9
:-) :-) :-)
2/15/2018 c20 CCDizzles
Love this. The anticipation for the next chapter has been present for months ! Best of luck !
2/13/2018 c20 13Nortia2
This is hands down my favourite time travel fic in the GoT fandom. I love it when it's Sansa the one travelling because I think she is the one that has matured and changed the most and also one of the characters that would have to be more intelligent about it since she doesnt have all that much power herself and she has to rely on her new abilities to trick the menin her life to do the bidding of a woman. So I am really enjoying this and I hope you update soon and start the TyrionSansa moments 3
If I had to say something I dont like I would probably say all the JaimeSansa but well, as long as nothing goes on there I can live with their friendship
2/5/2018 c20 ViaJackson
I love this story soooo much.
It's so well thought out. I've read stories where Arya or Jon are the ones who retain their "future-selves'" memories, but Sansa's political prowess is revealed and utilized in such a masterful way here. I love the way you capture all facets of these characters and display both their strengths and weaknesses while comparing them alongside the actual story, or the story that Sansa remembers.
So good.
Please update as soon as you can, I need to know more!
2/4/2018 c1 1Kratzbesen
What a journey so far! I loved everything about it!
Your characterizations are very believable to me and in-depth. The relationships you built between 'your' characters are a joy to read and 'your' Sansa has captured me right from the get-go.
Ingenious work. Very well done indeed!
1/22/2018 c20 WarriorofMyth
Oh my goodness! I just binge read your story and I am in love! Your plot and characterization is to die for! I can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
1/19/2018 c20 st0rmbringer
I quite enjoy your story and look forward to your updates. However, I have a few suggestions which would make it better (correct grammar is important). Don't take it in a bad way ... just trying to help. I came to a screeching halt every time I encountered a grammatical error.

the correct term is "a mummer's farce"
they're - contraction for "they are" - "they're" sitting down
there - as in "there are three dragons"
their - as in "their actions were wrong"
women - plural - more than one - many "women"
woman - singular - one "woman"
who/that - people are whos, things are thats - "a self-involved fool that ..." should be "a self-involved fool who ..."
head/heed - a man's "head" is on top of his shoulders - you "heed" someone's advice
breathe/breath - you "breathe" in and out - I'll fight you to my last "breath"
who/whom - "who" wrote the letter? - the letter is about "whom?"
leant/leaned - the correct word to use is "leaned" - he leaned against the table
1/11/2018 c20 Moon Witch '96
Okay, I will start this review by saying that I adore your concept. I've looked for other fics like this, but I haven't really found a good one. Or one that centers around Sansa as much, and that's because I really do think a lot of people don't like her as much as say, Dany or Arya, because she is more akin to the typical damsel in distress. However, I think you've hit home very well that there is a quiet and serious strength to her that comes out in how much sheer horribleness she endures. Well done. I especially love how much she could have potentially done if she had been a little more aware, a little smarter.
A couple of critiques- some inconstancies are throughout the story, it seems that you seem to forget something and then write something to contradict it. I will say that sometimes grammar is also an issue, but honestly, it doesn't really take away from the story. Well, done. I look forward to reading more.
~Happy Writing,
Moon Witch '96
1/11/2018 c20 4Trisha-L
How can I express how much I love you fanfic ? I'm supposed to be studied for my finals, and yet here I have been for the last 2 days reading your words at every moment possible.
I almost cried when Jaime lost his hand, even if I was waiting for it, I mean Bran fell anyway, I supposed Jaime would loose his hand as well. Just a question : where is Tywin ? I thought he would be at the tournament, but I guess someone needs to tend to Casterly Rock
Another thing, won't Arya go the King's Landing with Sansa ? I'm not sure, but I think you wrote Ned saying Sansa AND Catelyn would be going, but I don't see how Lady Stark would leave her small children in Winterfell, so I suppose my memory is failing me; anyhow, I SO wish for Arya to go to King's Landing, not only because it seems like the logical thing (somehow, I can't explain, maybe i'm being stupid hahaha) but also so that she discovers Water Dancing and meets Jaime - I'm the biggest Jaime/Arya shipper - would it be too strange to have this pairing when there's also Sansa/Tyrion ? Ned would certainly go insane if both his daughters ended up with Lannisters hahaha but I love them together, even if you kind of gave hints toward a Gendry/Arya thing
Anyway, thank you soooo much for this fanfic, I'm obsessed and can't wait for next chapter
1/3/2018 c20 Rusty
Excellent story, well written believable character development. I really enjoyed it thank you. Keep up the good work
1/2/2018 c20 19180250
I absolutely love your writing style and I love your fanfiction. Please continue to write for of this because it's really interesting.
12/30/2017 c19 Brooklynhills
Can we get another chapter soon please?
12/21/2017 c20 reluctantuser
A good story, thank you for writing it!

I'm positively surprised with how the story progresses. In most stories with a time-travel aspect the affected character quickly becomes insanely powerful, removes all obvious threats with ease and tells their secret too waaaay to many people, leading to the story quickly becoming broken. I'm pleased that this is not the case here. While Sansa is still powerful, she still makes mistakes or even worsens situations (like the Jaime-Brienne rift) and doesn't always fully achieve her objectives (Littlefinger getting off easy will likely bite her in the ass later, no?).

Bolton's plan seems uncharacteristically plain though. I mean, given the timing he would have to have written the letter before the assassins made their strike, no? It's a bit obvious that Reek is involved, but I'm not sure whether original Sansa would know that.

There is bit of a grammar issue (some sentences seem cut off, tenses are mixed) but nothing major (perhaps some beta-reader could later re-edit that in case it bothers you).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter, thanks again!
12/17/2017 c20 Talibaddeen
Very good story. Well written and always interesting. If anyone deserves to go back in time to change things for a better future it's Sansa. I really can't think of any other person who is better suited for that task. I enjoyed every chapter and I think that we are going to see Tywin and Tyrion at the Wall. Tywin can not just let anyone disrespect his family, especially not his son, his golden boy. I picture that by the time everyone reaches the Wall Tywin will have taken care of the situation and will show that no matter where or who you are, nothing will save you from his wrath. After that Tyrion will travel to Kings Landing with Sansa and they'll get really close. Can't wait for the next one.
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