Just In
for A Change of Fate

12/2/2015 c4 Guest
Please don't change the pairing! Sansa and Tyrion great together.
12/2/2015 c4 Dorkaborka
I guess I will quit reading on the day you put Sansa and Jon or Dany together. Please keep the pairing as Sansa/Tyrion or Sansa/Sandor or Sansa/Jamie.
12/2/2015 c4 v
Jon/Sansa please :)
12/1/2015 c4 Anon
My pairing suggestion is Jon/Dany/Sansa (if RLJ that is)...
12/1/2015 c4 13HermioneeBlack
I guess I will quit reading on the day you put sansa and tyrion together. For to day though, it's a great chapter.
12/1/2015 c1 Guest
Holy sweetness! Awesome chapter! More! We demand more!
12/1/2015 c4 Force Smuggler
Wonderful story. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Will Jon's parentage come up in this story?
12/1/2015 c4 Guest
Great update! Please keep the pairing as Tyrion/Sansa!
12/1/2015 c4 Lollipop
Love the story! And Tyrion of course!
12/1/2015 c4 2Treasure89
Woah! Ok, you just blew my mind away with this. This surpassed all expectations I had with this chapter. Nicely, nicely done! :) I'm looking forward so much to the future chapters, I'm on the edge of my seat. Now, as for the pairing decision; you are the author, so I will continue to read no matter what you choose, as it is your story. As for my opinion, I'm preferring and hoping Sansa will still end up being with Tyrion. I don't see enough of that. I love them as a couple. Keep up the TERRIFIC work. :)
Stay smiling. Stay beautiful!
12/1/2015 c4 SHE-WOLF
Eeeeeek! I love it! I love it! This is soooo awesome! I'm team tyrion all the way! Omg! Cant wait to see what comes next! Maybe Sansa/Tyrion interaction?! Pretty please!? So excited for next chappy!
12/1/2015 c1 GOTfan
PLEASE! Please! Please keep the pairing as Tyrion/Sansa!
It's such a rarity to see good stories with that pairing! And I would like this one to see that paring through! :)) I hope she stays true to her feelings for her "future" husband. I hope her love for him does not waver and turn onto someone else. Keep up the great work though. It's fantastic! Hope the next update is just as fast!
12/1/2015 c4 Sarah
I love it !Can't wait for the next update .I love your idea :) please keep updating this story
12/1/2015 c4 after8blog
Great chapter! Please update soon! Pls. Sansa/Tyrion or Sansa/Jamie.
12/1/2015 c4 Guest
"I haven't yet decided on whether to keep Sansa paired with Tyrion. Should i change it to Sandor, Jaime, Jon or even Dany? I don't know. Let me know your thoughts on this. Now, on with the chapter!"

I would probably stop reading if it's not Sansa/Tyrion. That's not an ultimatum, like 'make the story this way or else I'll quit', just that I don't have any interest in those other pairings, and the Sansa/Tyrion pairing was what drew me to the story (which I'm greatly enjoying, by the way!) in the first place.

A great story idea though, and one which I think you're treating very well.
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