Just In
for Gravity Falls Sort of Honest Trailer

1/21/2017 c1 Jedi Kitten
can't. stop. laughing.
12/11/2016 c1 12blevinp
I personally like how you copied a few quotes from the tv show. Although it's not an idea from the original honest trailer format, its a good idea. For coming up with that, you deserve a prize,

Bill: "Here! Have a head that's always screaming!"
3/14/2016 c1 2willam and jack and jake
2/21/2016 c1 2CN girl
one word: perfection
2/19/2016 c1 OneDaye
Ha ha, this is really funny! I would love a Gravity Falls honest trailer to come out! :) Also, a "starring" part would have been funny too.
2/1/2016 c1 2manfiction
Holy crap, this is really funny
1/12/2016 c1 whats0that
OMG. I litterally fell off my chair
12/20/2015 c1 1Natileroxs
Ha that line at the end though. This should become a REAL honest trailer! Please
12/16/2015 c1 IcyFlakes
Omg. More...
12/14/2015 c1 12Orix11
Jajajaja, es genial.
También estaba buena la letra inventada para el opening de esta serie, realmente queda bien con la canción y con la atmósfera entre misteriosa, cálida y creepy de Gravity Falls.
Sep, acabo de ver que también eres peruano, jaja, nos hacemos presentes también en esta serie. Saludos!
11/26/2015 c1 110Gracekim20
This is awesome!

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