Just In
for A Fate Touched in Middle Earth

12/12/2024 c1 Theasiancow
I agree with the review below. Obnoxious ‘right in your face flashbacks’ lack all nuance that can make written stories so compelling. The fact that there’ non stop examples of this immediately, is an extreme cause for concern.

One of the most essential and basic heuristics for compelling writing is to “show not tell”. As the story develops, the writer unravels layers of the past. Instead what we have here is just terribly digestsble exposition that is forced on the reader. Disappointing
12/2/2024 c1 1bleachorange
Sorry, but I gave up after the 4th flashback in the very first chapter. The premise is ok, but this is not a writing style that I can stomach.
12/2/2024 c1 Rio47
12/1/2024 c25 1AzrealKills
I wish Harry could apperate in this story but considering he was 15 when he entered the void, I know it's a rather dumb wish. He should atleast have had his firebolt with him because it was what he used to travel to the ministry.

I am looking forward to Saruman being disappointed that Harry didn't travel east to help thorin with the war though.
11/11/2024 c21 evattude
I really like the relationships harry is making
11/11/2024 c20 evattude
Well at least harry and tauriel will be able to be together and not have him die of old age. I wonder though will he be able to go to the undying lands
11/11/2024 c19 evattude
Great chapter! I'm loving your story
11/11/2024 c18 evattude
I wonder why he's seemingly becoming more elvish than maiar
11/11/2024 c16 evattude
Great chapter! I like how harry and tauriel are taking it slow but I hope he goes to see galadriel sooner than later
11/11/2024 c14 evattude
I rely enjoyed this
11/11/2024 c7 evattude
Great chapter
11/11/2024 c6 evattude
I like thag Gandalf and galadriel care for harry. And I think elrond does to he's just concerned
11/4/2024 c25 2FinalKingdomHearts
I look forward to the next chapter.
I found a few grammar errors while reading the chapter.
10/31/2024 c16 Lukoshi
Did Harry not learn to apparate before he made the trip to Arda? Seems like he should be using that skill and it would really come in handy
10/31/2024 c10 vswey
honestly this whole chapter just mskes it seem like you dont enjoy writing this story. really bad technical writing (spelling grammar etc) and just really bad plot. since this is fanfic and even with donations you cant be making that muchwhy bother writing this story if you dont like it? just diminishes the quality
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