Just In
for It's Always The Quiet Ones

8/20/2020 c1 SonofSet
I loved it! This story was recently recommended to a group I am a part of. Can I just say... Wow! Great giant massive Kudos!
8/18/2020 c1 Richard6154
Shockingly good story.
8/18/2020 c1 zonianx
This was a very good yet disturbing story. Nicely done and thanks for sharing it with us.
8/16/2020 c1 Tapirbackrider
one of the best things I've ever read!
8/12/2020 c1 1hithisisc
I absolutely loved reading this, definitely one of the best fanfics I've read!
8/6/2020 c1 Archit09
And, oddly enough, that was the last time anyone ever teased Luna Lovegood.
Touche' Mate!Touche'!
7/31/2020 c1 Guest
"He was a vicious bigoted little man"
He's a boy, not a man.
7/31/2020 c1 Guest
Just call him Harry, seems silly to keep calling him the green eyed boy, or Hermione the bushy haired girl.
7/30/2020 c1 Guest
This was fun. Thank you.
7/30/2020 c1 fhippogriff
Eerily delightful.
7/22/2020 c1 2TigerCat
*giggles madly* I love that Hermione knew what was happening.
7/20/2020 c1 Kagey98
Great! Just Great! Thank you for sharing your talent!
7/13/2020 c1 33Azure Lightning Emerald Cloud
this whole thing from start to finish is ICONIC. thank you for this brilliant piece.
7/6/2020 c1 2Malkin Nott
Squinting for the Luna/Harry pairing that I could see here.

Also one of the best fics I have read.
7/6/2020 c1 1MonsterRideOp
This is great. Having Luna be a member of that family is genius and fits well with her "imaginary" creatures.
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