Just In
for It's Always The Quiet Ones

9/13/2019 c1 TheEverlastingHater
Never underestimate the quiet ones.
9/11/2019 c1 PasiveNox
hehhehehehe eyah great
9/6/2019 c1 Tiberius3969
I'm honestly not surprised that Luna can summon great old ones if anything it makes a lot of sense since it always seems like Luna is a seer or simply sees other dimensions overlayed with ours.
8/29/2019 c1 Guest
Good story.
8/28/2019 c1 1JadedTroll
bloody brilliant!
8/25/2019 c1 Shatteredxo
8/18/2019 c1 Sparrow White
I particularly enjoyed the eyeballs the size of Snape's head.
8/18/2019 c1 Sparrow White
Now that was excellent, for all of us Lovecraft fans.
8/17/2019 c1 kcmarie911
I honestly love this. Luna has always been my favorite character, and too see her stick it to the haters and disbelievers is amazing. Especially the way she did it was just awesome.
8/3/2019 c1 1Rainbow Prime
Heh. Oddly enough...heh.
7/22/2019 c1 Ethan Whelchel
Holy cow, that was amazing
7/20/2019 c1 fantasyinmymind
Good job Luna!
7/17/2019 c1 sandipi
I knew she was an Addams. Old ones are just another ancestor. Scary story but very funny too.
7/12/2019 c1 9annasfanfic
7/12/2019 c1 7deepdiver
Well for apparently not being a fan of the HP universe, you’ve written an amazing AU story. Thank you for sharing.
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